Build infrastructure
This module provides gulp tasks to build Pip.WebUI projects:
- Build deployable artifacts from sources in JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS/Less
- Copy external libraries and other resources to the destination folder
- Run tests, validate sources
- Generate API documentation
- Launch and publish samples
- Build hybrid cordova apps
- Build and publish complete applications
Quick Links
Using standard build tasks in your projects is pretty easy. There are only 3 simple steps you need to take:
Step 1. Add dependency to pip-webui-tasks in your package.json file
"devDependencies": {
"pip-webui-tasks": "*"
Step 2. Create build configuration
Project build configuration must be defined in build.conf.js file located in the project root folder. Typical configuration for your project may look like the sample below:
module.exports = {
module: {
name: 'pipMyModule',
index: 'my_module'
build: {
js: true,
ts: false,
html: true,
css: true,
lib: true,
images: true
file: {
lib: [
samples: {
port: 8099,
https: true,
publish: {
bucket: 'my_backet',
secretAccessKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
region: 'us-west-1',
folder: 'mySample'
Step 3. Create gulp file
The main purpose of **gulpfile.js" is to expose standard tasks for the build process.
var gulp = require('gulp');
// Add standard tasks
// Define build tasks
gulp.task('build', ['build-dev', 'build-prod']);
gulp.task('rebuild', ['build-dev']);
gulp.task('clean', ['build-clean']);
gulp.task('watch', ['build-watch']);
gulp.task('lint', ['test-lesslint', 'test-jslint']);
gulp.task('launch', ['samples-launch']);
gulp.task('publish', ['samples-publish']);
// Set default task
gulp.task('default', ['build']);
You can always add your own tasks and mix them with the standard ones.
Tasks Reference
Module build tasks
- build-html-dev - Takes HTML files, wraps them into JavScript and adds to $templateCache service
- build-html-prod - Does the same thing as build-html-dev and minifies HTML
- build-css-dev - Compiles less scripts into CSS styles. This task uses index less file which references all other less files
- build-css-prod - Does the same thing as build-css-dev and minifies CSS
- build-ts - Compiles TypeScript files, adds type definitions and places resulted .js, .map and .d.ts files into temp folder
- build-js-dev - Merges all JavaScript files, including wrapped HTML and compiled TypeScript, does annotations, generates .map and places result into dist folder
- build-js-prod - Does the same thing as build-js-dev and minifies JavaScript
- build-res-dev - Copies resources and 3rd party libraries
- build-res-prod - Currently it is identical to build-res-dev
- build-dev - Combines all development build tasks
- build-prod - Combines all production build tasks
- build-watch - Watches for changed files in src folder and automatically starts development build
- build-clean - Cleans temp and dist folders
Cordova tasks
- cordova-copy - Copies content from ./dist folder to cordova www location
- cordova-clean-www - Delete all files in cordova www location
- cordova-clean-platforms - Delete all files in cordova platform location
- cordova-clean-plugins - Delete all files in cordova plugins location
- cordova-clean - Delete all files in cordova location
- cordova-add-android - Add android platform
- cordova-add-windows - Add windows platform
- cordova-add-xwalk - Add cross walk plugin
- cordova-add-wp8 - Add platform for windows 8 phone
- cordova-add-ios - Add ios platform
- cordova-build-android - Build android platform
- cordova-build-wp8 - Build platform for windows 8 phone
- cordova-build-windows - Build platform for windows
- cordova-build-ios - Build ios platform (You can add parameters: project, scheme, bundle_id, provision)
- cordova-copy-android-config - Copy all .jks files and file to android platform
- cordova-copy-ios-config - Copy all *.mobileprovision files and options.plist from cordova folder to ios platform folder
- cordova-copy-ios-icons - Copy all *.png files and Contents.json from cordova/AppIcon.appiconset folder to ios platform Images.xclassets/AppIcon.appiconset folder
Test tasks
- test-jslint - Performs validation of JavaScript source files by eslint
- test-lesslint - Performs validation of less source files by lesshint
- test-karma - Performs running unit-test by karma runner.
Samples tasks
- samples-launch - Launches web-server and web-browser to access samples
- samples-publish - Publishes samples to AWS S3 bucket or Azure blob container
API tasks
- api-generate - Generates API documentation
- api-launch - Launches web-server and web-browser to access API documentation
- api-publish - Publishes API documentation to S3-based static website
Submodules tasks
- submodules-init - Initiatizes submodules
- submodules-link - Links node_modules from the parent to submodules
- submodules-clean - Cleans all submodules
- submodules-build - Rebuilds all submodules
- submodules-checkout - Checks out changes to all submodules
- submodules-checkin - Commits in changes from all submodules and pushes them to github
- submodules-version - Updates the version defined in the parent across all submodules
- submodules-tag - Creates git tags and all submodules
- submodules-publish - Publishes submodules to npm
App build tasks
- app-publish-alpha - Publishes the dist folder to AWS S3 bucket or Azure blob container, as configured in build.conf.js
- app-publish-beta - Publishes the dist folder to AWS S3 bucket or Azure blob container, as configured in build.conf.js
- app-publish-prod - Publishes the dist folder to AWS S3 bucket or Azure blob container, as configured in build.conf.js
Build configuration file is broken into few sections
module section
Global configuration parameters for the entire project/module
- name: string - Name of Angular module. The name is currently used to set the name for wrapped HTML as <>.Templates
- index: string - Name of index JavaScript and Less files. The index is currently used to set the name of the main Less file as src/<module.index>.less
dir section
Configuration parameters to set names of standard project folders
- src: string - Source folder where JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML and CSS files and resources are located (default: './src/')
- test: string - Test folder where JavaScript test files are located (default: './test/')
- temp: string - Folder for temporary build artifacts (default: './temp')
- lib: string - Temporary folder where all 3rd party libraries are copied (default: './lib')
- dist: string - Distination folder for produced artifacts (default: './dist')
- samples: string - Folder where samples are located (default: './samples')
- cordova: string - Location to copy web application for cordova build (default: './cordova/www')
- api: string - Folder to place generated API documentation (default: './doc/api')
file section
Configuration parameters for file sets
- lib: string[] - Files and folders in 3rd party librarties to copied over to lib and used in testing and samples (default: pip-webui module)
- def: string[] - Type definitions which are used to compile TypeScript code (default: all files in typings folder)
- res: string[] - Resources and folders to copy over to lib folder (default: empty)
build section
Configuration parameters to control the build process
- js: boolean - Enable JavaScript build (including HTML and TypeScript) (default: true)
- ts: boolean - Enable TypeScript compilation (default: true)
- html: boolean - Enable HTML wrapping (default: true)
- css: boolean - Enable Less to CSS compilation (default: true)
- lib: boolean - Enable copying 3rd party libraries (default: true)
- images: boolean - Enable copying image files (default: true)
samples section
Configuration parameters to control samples tasks
- port: number - Launched web server port (default: 8000)
- publish: object - S3 bucket properties for samples publishing
- type: stirng - 'aws' or 'azure'
- bucket: string - S3 bucket name
- accessKeyId: string - Access key for AWS account
- secretAccessKey: string - Secret access key for AWS account
- region: string - AWS region where S3 bucket is located
- container: string - Azure blob container name
- account: string - Azure storage account name
- key: string - Azure access key
- folder: string - optional folder to upload
NOTE: for application build, you can specify up to 3 buckets - alpha, beta and production, using the following format:
- publish: object - S3 bucket properties for samples publishing
- alpha
- bucket: string - S3 bucket name
- accessKeyId: string - Access key for AWS account
- secretAccessKey: string - Secret access key for AWS account
- region: string - AWS region where S3 bucket is located
- beta
- ...
- production
- ...
- alpha
api section
Configuration parameters for API documentation generation tasks
- port: number - Launched web server port (default: 8008)
- publish: object - S3 bucket properties for api documentation publishing
- type: stirng - 'aws' or 'azure'
- bucket: string - S3 bucket name
- accessKeyId: string - Access key for AWS account
- secretAccessKey: string - Secret access key for AWS account
- region: string - AWS region where S3 bucket is located
- container: string - Azure blob container name
- account: string - Azure storage account name
- key: string - Azure access key
- folder: string - optional folder to upload
eslint section
See eslint documentation for details.
lesslint section
See lesslint documentation for details.
For more information about Pip.WebUI project, please, visit