
Command line interface for PipelineDog

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pipelinedog from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pipelinedog';



A command line interface for PipelineDog.


  • First, make sure you have Node.js installed on your machine. To check,

    node -v

    You should see a version number.

    If not, you need to install Node.js first.

    • Install using Linuxbrew

      • Install Linuxbrew
      ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Linuxbrew/install/master/install)"
      • Install node
      brew install node
    • Installing using Binary (without sudo access)

      • For example, download Linux binary x64 platform in home folder. You should download the binary that suits your platform:
      cd ~
      wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.11.3/node-v6.11.3-linux-x64.tar.xz
      • Unzip the package:
      tar -xz node-v6.11.3-linux-x64.tar.xz
      • Add executables to PATH:

For certain Linux distribution (e.g., Ubuntu 14.04), a legacy version of npm is installed under the name "nodejs", not "node". For these systems, a current version of (v6 or later) should be installed.

For installing node through packager manager and additional information on installing Node.js, please refer to the Nodejs installation guide.

  • Once Node.js is installed, install the PipelineDog CLI:

    npm install -g pipelinedog
  • After doing this, you'll be able to see the help information by typing:

    pipelinedog -h

    in the terminal.


  • Use

    pipelinedog -h

    to invoke the manual:

    Usage: pipelinedog [options]
      -h, --help            output usage information
      -v, --version         output the version number
      -p, --project <path>  your PipelineDog project file
      -l, --list <path>     file lists for the run, separated by commas
      -o, --output [path]   path to output shell command file
  • For a comprehensive documentation and explanation of concepts, please visit the PipelineDog Wiki


  • An example for running commandline PipelineDog:

    • Copy the content of the example PipelineDog project at http://pipeline.dog/gatk.yml and save it as a local file named gatk.yml, or download the file using:
    wget http://pipeline.dog/gatk.yml
    wget http://pipeline.dog/Default_List
    • In the same folder, run
    pipelinedog -p gatk.yml -l Default_List -o cmd.sh
    • The command output will be saved in cmd.sh. It can be later executed in a Linux environment with appropiate tools installed. To view the content of cmd.sh, run
    cat cmd.sh