
Pipefy style is a React-based UI toolkit for the web

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pipestyle from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pipestyle';


GitHub license npm version npm downloads tested with jest

Pipefy style is a React-based UI toolkit for the web.
View documentation »

We developed Pipestyle as a clear reflect of the patterns and components of the Pipefy product. These patterns where adapted into code as a set of high quality React components for building interactive user interfaces.


We recommed using yarn or npm to install.


Each component comes with its corresponding CSS file, However if you prefer to import all CSS styles, you can follow the example below:

  import { Button } from 'pipestyle';  // for js
  import 'pipestyle/assets/button.css'; // for css

  ReactDOM.render(<Button />, mountNode);


Before creating a new Pull Request or reporting a new issue, we kindly ask you to verify if there's any request opened for avoiding duplicity.

If you’d like to help us to make any improvement on Pipestyle, just create

Pull Request

Feel free to report bugs and issues here.


To update the version during deploy add one or more of those tags on the PR title:

  • [version: patch/minor/major] - to update the npm package/assets (CSS) version
  • [skip ci] - to cancel deploy(normally used when did the deploy manually)

If you do not set the version tag, the default value [version: patch] will be used to deploy.

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