
Extends the Piral CLI commands and options to run a local feed service.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import piralCliLocalFeed from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/piral-cli-local-feed';



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Plugin for the piral-cli. Adds a command to run a local feed service.

Extends the Piral CLI commands and options to run a local feed service.


Install the plugin either locally or globally.

We recommend the local installation:

npm i piral-cli-local-feed --save-dev


Running Standalone

Running it standalone can be done using the piral command:

piral local-feed

Alternatively, run it with the pb local-feed command.

Regarding the available options we currently support two flags:

  • port, by default 9000
  • api-key, by default a pre-defined set of API keys (displayed in the command line)

The API key is the one being used when uploading a pilet using the piral-cli. Multiple keys could be given when using comma as separators.

During Debug

Running it during a debug session of Piral is also possible.

piral debug <regular options> --feed ... --feed-port ... --feed-api-key ...

This will run the local feed service using the same options as above, just on-the-side and prefixed with feed.


This plugin is released using the MIT license. For more information see the LICENSE file.