# Pisky - The framework for the PiSkyNet IoT
A self contained node.js application that communicates, co-operates, interacts and learns via other things in the Piskynet framework.
All applications based on this framework... * Have built in voice control for any browser supporting HTML 5 audio input (microphone). * Communicate directly, or via intermediate applications, or via the Cloud with other Pisky applications. * Have in-built communication capabilities with any other pisky application or client. * Support real-time interaction utilising web socket protocol.
Sample Applications (Under Development) ls
ASTON - 1:14 scale model of an Aston Martin DBS Coupe with embedded Raspberry Pi. 9-DOF IMU, 2.4Ghz Wi-fi, 5M streaming camera, 2 Motors, LEDs.
FATIMA - Implemenatation of a Home Automation System hosted on a Raspberry Pi. 433 Mhz RF Transmitter and Receiver.
GARETH - Helium balloon with internal air bladder to give variable boyancy. Drive from four outrigger motor controls 9 DOF control, internal IMU and GPS, controlled by embedded Raspberry Pi - ON THE DRAWING BOARD
SIMON - Windows 8 hosted PiskyNet Hub or Proxy.
LYDIA - Windows 10 IoT on Raspberry Pi.
PISKYNET ... It all starts here! Coming soon!