
An engine for consuming APIs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pistonify from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pistonify';



Proudly developed with love at h4ckademy for the community, as proposed by Traity.


Engine to consume different APIs. With Pistonify you can write your own specification for an API of your like and Pistonify takes care of handling the requests, the errors and do some proccessing on the response expected. It is intended to work with json format responses. We have for now investigated a few APIs and some more will come in the future.


  • node v5.2.0

  • jasmine v2.4.1

  • Dependencies:

    • request v2.67.0

    • xml2js v0.4.15


In the folder examples you can see how it can be used. In pistonSpecs folder you can add your own API spec files. We are providing a template in .json format that can be filled with different data (your own headers, query strings, params to be passed to Pistonify on execution, the fields of the response you want to grab, etc.)


More tests to come in the near future for you test addicts.


  • Daniel Baena Hermosa

    • github

    • d.baena.hermosa@gmail.com

  • Jesús García Martínez

    • github
    • jes.garcia.martinez@gmail.com

Autumn 2015 Google Campus Madrid