
CLI for carrying out various Piwik tasks

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import piwikAdmin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/piwik-admin';


There are some important tasks that need to be carried out when working with Piwik (particularly when developing against it), such as

  • Clearing report data from the UI
  • Setting a dashboard layout for all users, or a subset

This module provides a CLI (thanks to Commander!) which simplifies these tasks.

It was developed to assist with work being carried out in the OPENi project. For our use case each user of the platform has their own site, the name of which is set to their login name, e.g. user@openi.com.


The provided config file loads some sensible defaults, but for the piwik password, user, and database it first tries to load them from your local environment variables.

var config = {};

config.piwikSQL = {};
config.piwikSQL.host = 'localhost';
config.piwikSQL.user = process.env.PIWIKSQL_USER || 'piwik';
config.piwikSQL.password = process.env.PIWIKSQL_PASSWORD || 'password';
config.piwikSQL.database = process.env.PIWIKSQL_DATABASE || 'piwik';
config.piwikSQL.multipleStatements = 'true';

module.exports = config;


$ node lib/main.js --help

  Usage: main [options] [command]


    copy [options]    copy dashboard template across all users
    reset [options]   reset report data for all sites


    -h, --help     output usage information
    -V, --version  output the version number

Copy Dashboard Across Users

$ node lib/main.js copy --help

  Usage: copy [options]

  copy dashboard template across all users


    -h, --help              output usage information
    -t, --template [login]  Which dashboard template to use
    -u, --users [logins]    Which users to apply template to,
                            if not specified it defaults to all users
    -i, --ignore [logins]   Which users to ignore

   copy admin dashboard to all users
    $ copy -t admin

   copy admin dashboard to test@openi.com and test2@openi.com
    $ copy -t admin -u test@openi.com,test2@openi.com

   copy admin dashboard to all except test@openi.com
    $ copy -t admin -i test@openi.com

Reset Dashboard Data

$  node lib/main.js reset --help

  Usage: reset [options]

  reset report data for all sites


    -h, --help            output usage information
    -s, --sites [logins]  Which sites to reset,
                          if not specified it defaults to all sites


    $ reset
    $ reset -s user1@openi.com,user2@openi.com