
Protractor plugin for image comparison. Forked from pix-diff of Koola.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pixDiff2 from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pix-diff2';



A lightweight protractor plugin for image comparison

About this fork

First, thanks @Koola for this great protractor plugin.

This fork is not intended to replace the original Pix-Diff. I needed to change the plugin fast to match my needs. Therefore i will continue to maintain it in the future and be as close as possible to original Pix-Diff.

Build Status npm version



Install this module locally with the following command:

npm install pix-diff2

Save to dependencies or dev-dependencies:

npm install --save pix-diff2
npm install --save-dev pix-diff2


The package can be used directly in individual tests or via onPrepare in the Protractor configuration file.


exports.config = {
   // your config here ...

    onPrepare: function() {
        var PixDiff = require('pix-diff2');
        browser.pixDiff = new PixDiff(
                basePath: 'path/to/screenshots/',
                width: 1280,
                height: 1024

PixDiff provides two comparison methods checkScreen and checkRegion along with Jasmine toMatchScreen and Mocha matchScreen matchers. Two helper methods saveScreen and saveRegion are provided for saving images.

Jasmine Example:

describe("Example page", function() {

    beforeEach(function() {

    it("should match the page", function () {

    it("should not match the page", function () {

    it("should match the title", function () {
        expect(browser.pixDiff.checkRegion(element(By.id('title')), 'example page title')).toMatchScreen();

    it("should match the title", function () {
        expect(browser.pixDiff.checkRegion(element(By.id('title')), 'example page title', {
            blockOut: [{x: 10, y: 132, width: 100, height: 50}]})).toMatchScreen();

PixDiff Parameters:

  • basePath Defines the path to the reference images that are to be compared.
  • width Browser width (default: 1280)
  • height Browser height (default: 1024)
  • formatImageName Naming format for images (default: "{tag}-{browserName}-{width}x{height}")

Function options:

  • blockOut Object or list of objects with coordinates that should be blocked before comparing. (default: none)
  • debug When set, then block-out regions will be shown on the output image. (default: false)


Images can be cropped before they are compared by using the checkRegion function. The function will calculate the correct dimensions based upon the webdriver element selector (see example above).


Sometimes, it is necessary to block-out some specific areas in an image that should be ignored for comparisons. For example, this can be IDs or even time-labels that change with the time. Adding block-outs to images may decrease false positives and therefore stabilizes these comparisons (see example above).


There are directory and naming conventions that must be met.

Directory structure

└── to
    └── screenshots
        ├── diff
        │   └── examplePage-chrome-1280x1024.png
        ├── examplePage-chrome-800x600.png
        ├── examplePage-chrome-1280x1024.png
        ├── examplePageTitle-chrome-800x600.png
        └── examplePageTitle-chrome-1280x1024.png

The basePath directory must contain all the approved images. You may create subdirectories for better organisation, but the relative path should then be given in the test spec method. Failed comparisons generate a diff image under the diff folder.

Image naming

Images should obey the following default format:


The naming convention can be customized by passing the parameter formatImageName with a format string like:


Images specified via name in the spec method will be selected according to the browsers current resolution. That is to say that multiple images can share the same name differentated by resolution.




Run all tests with the following command:

npm test

Run all tests by framework:

npm test -- jasmine/mocha




The MIT License

Copyright 2016 Koola.