
Get the pixel scale of an image, or scale it up or down without quality loss. Useful for pixel art!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pixelScale from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pixel-scale';



📐 Get the pixel scale of an image, or scale it up or down without quality loss. Useful for pixel art!

All functions operate on ImageData, which can be retrieved from a canvas in the browser or e.g. node-canvas or sharp on Node.

The pixel scale referred to in this readme is the amount of times a pixel of e.g. a pixel art image has been multiplied to increase the image size. For example, this image has a pixel scale of 1, while this image has a pixel scale of 10.




npm yarn
npm install pixel-scale yarn add pixel-scale 


scalePixels(imageData, to, options)

Up- or downscales an image to the specified scale, without losing quality or changing any colors.


  • imageData (ImageData instance) - The ImageData instance to scale.

  • to (number) - The desired scale of the new image.

  • options (object)

    • from (number) - The current scale of the image. If no from value is provided, the scale is calculated with getPixelScale. Only provide a from value if you are sure of the current pixel scale and want to save time.
    • maxColorDiff (number, default: 0) - Passed along to getPixelScale if no from value is set, otherwise does nothing.

Return value:

A new, scaled ImageData-instance.


import { scalePixels } from 'pixel-scale';

// detect an image's current scale, and rescale it to 1
const scale1ImageData = scalePixels(imageData, 1);

// increase an image's scale from 5 to 10
const scale10ImageData = scalePixels(imageData, 10, { from: 5 });

// detect an image's current scale, allowing a color diff of 10,
// and rescale it to 2
const scale2ImageData = scalePixels(imageData, 2, { maxColorDiff: 10 });

getPixelScale(imageData, options)

Get the current pixel scale of an image.


  • imageData (ImageData instance) - The ImageData instance to scale.

  • options (object)

    • maxColorDiff (number, default: 0) - A number setting the maximum difference allowed in an individual color channel (0-255) when comparing pixels. Useful when getting the pixel scale of an image that may contain e.g. JPEG-fragments or color distortions.

      As an example, this Metal Slug image actually has a pixel scale of 24, but since it has been incorrectly resized and contains some miscolored lines between it's scaled pixels it would be detected as having a scale of 1 unless the maxColorDiff is increased.

Return value:

A number indicating the image's pixel scale.


import { getPixelScale } from 'pixel-scale';

// get an image's pixel scale
const imageScale = getPixelScale(imageData);

// get an image's pixel scale, allowing a maximum difference of 10 when comparing
// color channels of individual pixels
const imageScale = getPixelScale(imageData, { maxColorDiff: 10 });

How does it work?

To get the pixel scale of an image, pixel-scale first figures out the common divisors of the image's height and width. This is done using Euclid's algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor, and then counting down. A more performant method (e.g. prime factorization/Pollard rho) is not deemed necessary here, as image dimensions never go up to those sizes that big.

It then tests each common divisor, starting with the largest one, by chunking up the image equally sized pieces and verifying that they each chunk is in a solid color (scaled pixels). If a chunk contains a different color outside of the max allowed span (maxColorDiff), then it will go to the next divisor. If every chunk is a solid color, then the divisor is most likely the pixel scale of the image.