A tool for pixelating images
Terminal Usage
Install pixelated globally on your machine
npm install -g pixelated
Convert a pixelated image, defaults output to in_pixelated.png
pixelated in.png
Optionally supply output file
pixelated in.png out.png
Optionally specify the pixel size, defaults to 20x20 pixels
pixelated in.png -p 50
pixelated in.png --pixel 50
pixelated in.png -p 50x50
pixelated in.png --pixel 50x50
You can even specify a nonsquare pixel size, width x height
pixelated in.png -p 10x50
pixelated in.png --pixel 10x50
View the usage guide in terminal
pixelated help
Module Usage
Install pixelated as a dependency
npm install -s pixelated
Import and use
const pixelated = require('pixelated')
const promise = pixelated({
input: 'in.png',
output: 'out.png', // defaults to 'in_pixelated.png'
pixel: 50, // defaults to 20
greyscale: true //defaults to false
- Jay Deaton - Github
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details