Pixel&Code Susy Grid
:warning: This Susy 3 based grid is used internally by development agency Pixel&Code. Changes might break your code. Use it at your own risk.
It is inspired by the Bootstrap 3 way of responsive breakpoints (mobile, tablet, desktop, large-desktop), so if you're used to Bootstrap but want to use a more refined Grid-only solution without thousands of CSS lines, this might be it!
- Normalize SCSS
- Susy 3
- Susy 3 SVG-grid plugin (for debugging)
Import the 'src/_grid.scss' file and the necessary dependencies into your own SCSS project:
// Import Pixel&Code Grid
@import '**Your packages path**/normalize-scss/_normalize.scss';
@import '**Your packages path**/susy/sass/susy';
@import '**Your packages path**/susy/sass/plugins/svg-grid';
@import '**Your packages path**/pixelcode-grid/src/grid';
Grid setup
This package relies on the following 4 grid variables, which need to be present in your SCSS setup:
// -----
// Grids
// -----
$susy: (
// Large desktop
'columns': susy-repeat(12),
'gutters': 40px,
'container-spread': 'wide'
$susy-desktop: (
// Desktop
'columns': susy-repeat(12),
'gutters': 30px,
'container-spread': 'wide'
$susy-tablet: (
// Tablet
'columns': susy-repeat(12),
'gutters': 20px,
'container-spread': 'wide'
$susy-mobile: (
// Mobile
'columns': susy-repeat(12),
'gutters': 20px,
'container-spread': 'wide'
Of course you can change the settings as you please, but our helpers/mixins will only work properly using the 'wide' container-spread, see disclaimer section.
Below are the default settings. You can overwrite these variables in your project:
/* This will make the grid visible if you are using our .container class */
$grid-debug: false;
Container sizes
$container-tablet-width: 720px;
$container-desktop-width: 940px;
$container-large-width: 1100px;
// Mobile
$breakpoint-mobile-max: 768px;
// Tablet
$breakpoint-tablet-max: 992px;
// Desktop
$breakpoint-desktop-max: 1200px;
Work in progress to explain the following options:
- Column
- Row
- Container
- Push/pull
- Clearfix
- Responsive utilities (hidden-xs etc.)
- Custom grids
Browser compatibility
- All modern browsers
- IE10+
We are working on IE9 compatibility. IE9 seems to have some issues with the calc() function in combination with box-sizing: border-box; This will result in a 1px calculation error, so with 3 columns, the third one possibly might not fit on the same row. Suggestions are more than welcome!
We are not yet using flexbox, because some of our websites need to work in IE9/IE10. If you're not intending to support IE9 and IE10, you are better off using just Susy 3 instead of this package.
'Wide' container-spread
Sometimes you have 3 columns that need to become 2 columns on tablets, and you can't always use the '.row' class to wrap them in, because that will break your layout. With the 'wide' container-spread and negative margins on rows, this problem is fixed. Bootstrap uses this logic as well, for probably the same reason.
Work in progress:
- Finish the 'usage' section in this README file
- IE9 compatibility (thank you IE for still being a pain in the ***)
- Migrate to Yarn since Bower is 'deprecated' (