
Pixelspace is minimalist tool for drawing pixels to an HTML5 Canvas

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pixelspace from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pixelspace';



Pixelspace is minimalist toolkit for drawing pixels to an HTML5 Canvas. If features a concise drawing API, simple animation loop and a handful of helpful utilities.

Tested in Chrome, Firefox & Safari

Demo Site:


Getting Started


npm install

Build Pixelspace

npm run build

Watch/build Pixelspace

npm run watch

Build Demos

npm run build-demos

Run Demos (python required)

npm run demos

This will start a simple Python based HTTP server and open your default browser to http://localhost:8000/demo. You may need to refresh the page if it does not load right away. Alternatively, you can run the demos using jekyll serve and navigating to http://localhost:4000/demo/.

Anatomy of a Pixelspace App

A Pixelspace app consists of two components a Player and a Renderer. The Player is mainly responsible for setting up a context for a Renderer sub class to funtion within. Developing sketches for Pixelspace mostly involves sub-classing Renderer, creating an instance of it and passing it to the Player. Below is a very basic ES6 example of this.

import Pixelspace from 'lib/pixelspace';

class CustomApp extends Pixelspace.Renderer {
  init() { /* initialize variables here */ }

  step() { /* update variables here */ }

  draw() { /* draw graphics here */ }

let canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
let player = new Pixelspace.Player(canvas);
let custom_app = new CustomApp();