
Simple way to create your own PIXI Text Input

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pixiDrawableTextinput from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pixi-drawable-textinput';



You need to create a text input with pixi but you don't want to use the dom of the canvas, this plugin allows you to draw your own text input


Documentation link

Installation :

You can install pixi drawable text input with standard npm

npm install pixi-drawable-textinput

Or with yarn

yarn add pixi-drawable-textinput

Use :

Simple text input

import * as PIXI from "pixi.js";
import TextInput, {InputOption} from "pixi-drawable-textinput";
const app = new PIXI.Application({
  width: 400,
  height: 200,
  backgroundColor: 0x1099bb

var option = new InputOption();
option.style = { fontSize: 12 };
option.value = "A simple text input";
var input = new TextInput(option);

Test online

Complexe text input

import * as PIXI from "pixi.js";
import TextInput, {InputOption, InputCursorStyle} from "pixi-drawable-textinput";
const app = new PIXI.Application({
  width: 800,
  height: 400,
  backgroundColor: 0x1099bb
var option = new InputOption();
option.backgroundColorFocus = { color: 0xcffbff, aplha: 1 };
option.backgroundColor = { color: 0xe02f5e, aplha: 1 };
option.multiLine = true;
option.maxLength = 100;
option.roundedBorder = 40;
option.borderWidth = 5;
option.style = {
  fontFamily: "Arial",
  fontSize: 36,
  fontStyle: "italic",
  fontWeight: "bold",
  fill: ["#ffffff", "#00ff99"], // gradient
  stroke: "#4a1850",
  strokeThickness: 5,
  dropShadow: true,
  dropShadowColor: "#000000",
  dropShadowBlur: 4,
  dropShadowAngle: Math.PI / 6,
  dropShadowDistance: 6
option.height = 60;
option.width = 400;
option.value = "A complexe text input";

option.cursorStyle = new InputCursorStyle();
option.cursorStyle.distance = 0;
option.cursorStyle.colorBlind = { color: 0xff0000, alpha: 1 };
option.cursorStyle.colorLow = { color: 0x00ffff, alpha: 0.5 };
option.cursorStyle.width = 10;
option.cursorStyle.speedSwap = 200;
var input = new TextInput(option);


Test online

to-do list

The project is open to any new proposal and correction pull request and issues I will take the necessary measures to advance the project


  • Fix cursor do not display


  • Update documentation
  • Fix import
  • Fix package


  • Add development test server
  • Fix placeholder
  • Fix alpha cursor
  • Update height component for multiline
  • Fix input out of field
  • Create a documentation
  • Fix cursor field empty


  • Add mobile support
  • Cursor up when key up and down when key down