
Ever have spent whole day on adjusting X and Y to only discover, that on some specific screen resolution it is still overlapping with something else? Never more!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pixiLayout from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pixi-layout';


Dynamic positioning and resizing made easy

Ever have spent whole day on adjusting X and Y to only discover, that on some specific screen resolution it is still overlapping with something else? Never more!

Pixi-layout is here to make dynamic positioning and resizing easier.

  • Health Bar pinned to left bottom corner and wide to 10% of screen?
healthBar.layout = makeLayout(screenArea)
  • Background covering whole screen?
bg.layout = makeLayout()
  .size.cover(screenArea, Align.CENTER)
  • Logo in top center of the screen, as big as possible, but not higher then 20% of screen?
logo.layout = makeLayout(screenArea)
  • Button 100px under the logo?
button.layout = makeLayout(logo)

Pixi-layout is working as for now, but it is still more like proof of concept and will be rewritten soon.

How to use?

Works for both pixi v4 and v5.

npm i pixi-layout 

then somewhere

import { pixiLayout, setupPixiLayout } from "pixi-layout"

and you can use layout property on any view

import { makeLayout } from "pixi-layout"
someView.layout = makeLayout(SOURCE_OF_LAYOUT)


Each layout is relative to some other view/area, usually to screenArea.

const screenArea: PIXI.Rectangle;
const someView: PIXI.DisplayObject;
const viewByName = "someOtheViewName";

X/Y methods

 .x.set(50).fromLeftInwardEdgeOf(someOtherSource) // each method can take other source than default provided in makeLayout

 // same for y property

Layout Box model:

Layout Box

Width/height methods

    // same with height

Complex methods

    // cover(source, horizontalAlingment, verticalAlingment=horizontalAlingment)
    .size.cover(screenArea, Align.CENTER) // both aligns to center (0.5)
    .size.cover(screenArea, Align.CENTER, Align.START) 
    .size.cover(screenArea, 0.5, 0)  
    .size.cover(screenArea, 0, 0.9)   

Calculating pixels

By default 1px = 1px on screen. To change it you can use pixiLayoyt.globalScale = 5.

Future plans

  • Stable API
  • Real documentation
  • More methods like min, contain, between
  • Playground
  • Add flex-like API (currently I am working on separate project asana-layout which can do this so it is not very far from happening)


I would be grateful for any feedback - how this lib should look like to make you use it?