
A plugin that adds deferred lighting to PixiJS v6

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pixiLights from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pixi-lights';


PixiJS Lights

Build npm version

A plugin that adds deferred lighting to PixiJS.

Note: This modules requires v6.0.4+ of pixi.js and v1.0.0 of @pixi/layers.

For pixi-v4 see v4.x branch.


You have to create three layers: one for sprites, one for their normals and one for lights. Sprites and normals are rendered to temporary RenderTexture, and lights have those two textures as an input.

// Get class references
import {Application, Sprite, Container, lights} from 'pixi.js';
import {Layer, Stage} from '@pixi/layers';
import {diffuseGroup, normalGroup, lightGroup, PointLight} from 'pixi-lights';

// Create new application
const app = new Application({
    backgroundColor: 0x000000, // Black is required!
    width: 800,
    height: 600

// Use the pixi-layers Stage instead of default Container
app.stage = new Stage();

// Add the background diffuse color
const diffuse = Sprite.fromImage('images/BGTextureTest.jpg');
diffuse.parentGroup = diffuseGroup;

// Add the background normal map
const normals = Sprite.fromImage('images/BGTextureNORM.jpg');
normals.parentGroup = normalGroup;

// Create the point light
const light = new PointLight(0xffffff, 1);
light.x = app.screen.width / 2;
light.y = app.screen.height / 2;

// Create a background container 
const background = new Container();

    // put all layers for deferred rendering of normals
    new Layer(diffuseGroup),
    new Layer(normalGroup),
    new Layer(lightGroup),
    // Add the lights and images


If you want to use light shaders inside a filter, make sure its full-screen:

app.stage.filters = [new BlurFilter()];
app.stage.filterArea = app.screen;

Vanilla JS, UMD build

All pixiJS v6 plugins has special umd build suited for vanilla. Navigate pixi-lights npm package, take dist/pixi-lights.umd.js file.

<script src='lib/pixi.js'></script>
<script src='lib/pixi-lights.umd.js'></script>

all classes can be accessed through PIXI.lights package.


You normally don't need to build this module, you can just download a release from the releases page.

However, if you are developing on the project or want a bleeding edge build then you will need to have node setup on your machine.

Then you can install dependencies and build:

npm i && npm run build

That will output the built distributables to ./lib and ./dist.


  1. More lighting types, left are:
  • Spot lights
  • Hemisphere lights
  • Area lights
  1. Add dynamic shadows
  2. Write tests!