[WIP][Experimental] Out-of-Order Renderer for PixiJS Scene Graphs
This packages provides an out-of-order batch renderer, which:
can improve batching efficiency by smartly re-ordering your display-object renders to minimize draw calls. This can be done because display-objects that do not intersect in world space do not need to be rendered in-order.
does not need to prematurely flush when a filtered or masked display-object is encountered, unlike Pixi's in-built batch renderer. Instead of doing a full-flush, this renderer will only flush the display objects that intersect with the filtered/masked one.
Basic Usage
The following example will setup a built-in preset of the out-of-order renderer:
import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js;
import { createOooable, OooRendererPluginFactory } from 'pixi-ooo-renderer';
import { DropShadowFilter } from '@pixi/filter-drop-shadow';
// Create a sprite that will render using the ooo-renderer instead of
// default batching mechanism in PixiJS.
// createOooable prevents premature flushing when filtered. It does not
// need to be used but is recommended for maximizing performance.
function createOooSprite(textureOrUrl) {
const sprite = createOooable(typeof textureOrUrl === 'string'
? PIXI.Sprite.from(textureOrUrl)
: new PIXI.Sprite(textureOrUrl));
sprite.pluginName = 'ooo';
return sprite;
// Register out-of-order renderer plugin. The default preset was made
// for rendering Sprite, Mesh, Graphics (PixiJS built-in display-object).
// For custom-tailored display objects, you can use the OooRendererPluginFactory
// API to define your own rendering pipeline.
PIXI.Renderer.registerPlugin('ooo', OooRendererPluginFactory.create({
preset: 'built-in'
const app = new PIXI.Application({ /* options */ });
// This won't prevent 1st and 3rd sprite from getting batched because
// it is placed at (100, 350), far away.
const spriteWithFilters = createOooSprite('./assets/foobar.png');
spriteWithFilters.filters = [new DropShadowFilter()];
spriteWithFilters.position.set(100, 350);