
Example of PixiJS plugin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pixiPluginExample from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pixi-plugin-example';


PixiJS plugin example

Build npm version

This is a demo project with collection of simple hacks for PixiJS.

You can make your own pixi plugin based on this repo.

Algorithms represented in this repo hack several parts of Pixi - you can take those ideas and expand them.

If you are that desperate, you can add use it through npm pixi-plugin-example:'=version', because we do not guarantee any back compatibility! This is not a plugin, its a tutorial!

How to make your own plugin for PixiJS

People will like the fact that you want to ease their life with with one line

import 'pixi-awesome-plugin'

Follow the steps:

  1. Clone repo locally
  2. Create your own repository and copy all the code there
  3. Remove folders from src, except those you want to use as base for plugin
  4. Remove everything from examples, leave examples that is close to what you want
  5. Put your code in src , example in examples, test that it works
  6. Replace all pixi-plugin-example in package.json to your plugin name
  7. Change version to 0.1.0 or whatever you want
  8. Change UMD namespace and file names in examples accordingly
  9. Make sure you use only necessary pixi plugins in peerDependencies and devDependencies, they have to be the same!
  10. Add/Remove GlobalMixins from global.d.ts to hack pixi interfaces
  11. Check that project builds
  12. Start web server here (like http-server -c-1) and check that example works
  13. Write a README, and publish your plugin to npm!

Extra tips:

  1. When you make changes and want to re-publish, you can use npm run release:patch to change version of lib.
  2. If you reference @pixi/layers or some other plugins, change rollup.config.js accordingly, otherwise they'll be compiled inside your lib
  3. remove all "lint"-related commands from package.json if you don't like our code style or it obstructs you
  4. Contact Ivan to add your plugin to PixiJS Wiki

List of demos

  1. filters changing FilterSystem for profit

That's enough for now :)

How to build

npm i
npm run build

Vanilla JS, UMD build

All pixiJS v6 plugins has special umd build suited for vanilla. Navigate pixi-plugin-example npm package, take dist/pixi-plugin-example.umd.js file.

<script src='lib/pixi.js'></script>
<script src='lib/pixi-plugin-example.umd.js'></script>

Also, you can access CDN link, something like https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/pixi-plugin-example@latest/dist/pixi-plugin-example.umd.js

all classes can be accessed through PIXI.example package.

How to contribute

Just make PR.