Pixi Tests Tool
Renderer for generating integration tests for Pixi.js.
To install dependencies, use NPM:
npm install
To create solutions for tests, launch the application by navigating to the module in Terminal or on a commandline. Then run:
npm start
Creating Tests
The context of running the tests contains a handful of useful properties:
- this.stage (PIXI.Container) The container rendered with both Canvas and WebGL renderers.
- this.webgl (PIXI.WebGLRenderer) Instance of WebGL renderer.
- this.canvas (PIXI.CanvasRenderer) Instance of Canvas renderer.
- this.hasWebGL (Boolean) If the current context supports WebGL.
Synchronous Example
module.exports = function() {
this.stage.addChild(new PIXI.Graphics()
.beginFill(0xFFCC00, 1)
.drawRect(8, 8, 16, 16)
Asynchronous Example
module.exports.async = function(done) {
.add('image1', 'image1.png')
.once('complete', (loader, resources) => {