
Plugin for pixi.js which provides a convenient way of adding a text input to the pixijs-stage.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pixiTextInput from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pixi-text-input';


PIXI.TextInput - Plugin for pixi.js


This plugin for pixi.js provides a convenient way of adding text inputs to the pixijs-stage. The input itself is a HTML <input> element, which is positioned above the stage according to the transformation given by the PIXI-DisplayObject. The box is drawn on the PIXI-stage. Additionally, you can choose whether the plugin should substitute the <input> with a native pixi-Text when the textfield has no focus.


Demo with default box generator

Demo with custom box generator


npm install pixi-text-input


How to import:

const TextInput = require('pixi-text-input')

Visit the GitHub Repository for a detailed documentation.