
Browserify bundle process for PIXI libraries with typescript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pixifyTs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pixify-ts';



Build Status

Browserify bundle process for PIXI libraries.

This creates two build files, compressed and uncompressed. Both with sourcemaps and license headers.


npm install pixify --save-dev

Commandline Usage

pixify --name [library-name]

For instance,

pixify --name my-library


  • --name or -n (required) The name of the output file and Browserify's standalone argument.
  • --source or -s (default: ./src/ Application source to build.
  • --dest or -d (default: ./bin/) Destination folder for building.
  • --exclude or -e (optional) Folder names in --source to ignore, for custom builds.
  • --outputName or -o (optional) The name of the output file if different from --name.
  • --watch or -w (default: false) true to run watchify when running bundling.
  • --typesccript or -t (default: false) for typescript transformation

API Usage

Alternatively, use the Node API:

var pixify = require('pixify');

// Full verbose options
    output: 'library.min.js',
    name: 'library',
    source: './src/', 
    dest: './bin/',
    compress: true,
    watch: false

// Short-hand with all defaults with callback
pixify('library.min.js', function(){
    // done!


  • options.output (String) Output file name (e.g. "library.js")
  • options.name (String) Standalone name for Browserify (e.g. "library")
  • options.compress (Boolean, default: true) true to compress output
  • options.source (String, default: "./src/") Output source name
  • options.dest (String, default: "./bin/") Output folder
  • options.exclude (String|String[]) List of modules to ignore from output. Useful for creating custom builds.
  • options.watch (Boolean, default: false) true to run watchify when bundling.
  • callback (Function) Optional callback function when complete


This content is released under the MIT License.