Pixijs remote helper
Tools for remote inspecting pixijs application
How use
First time need do:
- Install ways:
- Install from npm
npm install -g pixijs-remote-helper
- Clone this repository
$cd ./pixijs-remote-helper
$npm run build
$npm i -g ../pixijs-remote-helper
Add mixin(./mixin build/main.bundle.js) script to pixijs app page where need debugging
Run app from terminal
- Then open client page on http://localhost:3000/main.html for debuggin
You can change CLIENT PORT page:
By default it is 3000 port
$POSRT=8080 pixihelper // then open client page on http://localhost:8080/main.html address
Also you can change SOCKET PORT:
By default it is 3010:
- Run server sockets on new port
$SOCKET_PORT=3090 pixihelper
- Connect mixin on new socket port before add mixin script on page define PIXI_HELPER_PROXY_HOST='http://localhost:3090' then add mixin script on page. OR define in localStorage 'pixiHelperProxyHost' variable then reload page with mixin
For example: you can to run mixin example client use
$npm run mixin:dev
Then open http://localhost:3080/mixin.html page with pixijs app
For development start
You must have installed node.js then, clone this repo and next:
npm i
npm run server:dev
npm run client:dev
npm run mixin:dev
Then open http://localhost:8080/main.html for open client and open http://localhost:3080/mixin4v.html or http://localhost:3080/mixin5v.html for open mixin examle.