
Call Pixiv mobile client api with Node.JS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pixivapi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pixivapi';



A test-only API package for pixiv. Require:Node.JS 4.0.0 and later. Build Status


Create an config object which contains your pixiv username and password.

var userConfig = {
    username: 'your username',
    password: 'your password'

Then require this api module

var pixiv = require('pixivapi');

Authenticate with your username and password

pixiv.authenticate(userConfig, (userInfo) => {
    //do something

The callback object contains a timestamp , your username, your password, as well as the response object from pixiv's api server. get user profile

  pixiv.getUserProfile(userId, userInfo, (res) => {
    //do something

The userInfo object is needed for bearer authentication. Get user's following list

pixiv.getUserFollowing(userId, userInfo, (res) => {
    //do something

The list is an array which contains a brief profile infomation of each user. Get user's illustrations

pixiv.getUserIllustrate(userId, userInfo, (res) => {
    //do something

The list is an array which contains illustration objects. Get user's favorite works

pixiv.getUserFavorite(userId, userInfo, (res) => {
    //do something

The list is also an array which contains illustration objects. Get work profile

pixiv.getWorkProfile(workId, userInfo, (res) => {
    //do something

The res object contains the work profile, which can be used to download a work. Download a single work

pixiv.downloadWork(workProfile, path, (res) => {
    //do something

workProfile can use directly from getWorkProfile. The res object contains the response body. Download All work by user ID

pixiv.downloadAllWorkByUser(userId, userInfo, path, (ststus) => {
    //do something

It will download all works into seperately directories, named by workId.