
A image processing pipeline in pure Javascript for browsers and Node

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pixpipe from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pixpipe';



GitHub last commit Gitter npm

Pixpipe.js is an attempt of building an image processing pipeline entirely in native Javascript for browsers. Its architecture was somewhat inspired by ITK, making a clear distinction between objects that contains data (inherit from PixpipeContainer) from object that processes data (inherit from Filter).

The concept of pipeline implies that the output of a Filter can be used as an input for the next one, like in ITK. In Pixpipe.js, this is done by using the Filter's methods addInput() and getOuput(). Some Filter may have several input or output of different kinds.


npm install --save pixpipe

Usage in prod

The bundle in dist/pixpipe.js is a umd bundle, meaning it's ugly but it's compatible everywhere.

In HTML file:

<script src="pixpipe/dist/pixpipe.js"></script>
<!-- or alternatively -->
<script src="pixpipe/dist/pixpipe.min.js"></script>

In Node:

const pixpipe = require("pixpipe");

In ES6 module:

import pixpipe from 'pixpipe';

Or, if you don't want to export the whole bundle, you can select sub-parts of Pixpipe:

import { UrlToArrayBufferReader, FileToArrayBufferReader, Image2D } from 'pixpipe/dist/pixpipe.esmodule.js';


To make image processing:

  • accessible, using just a web browser and a textpad
  • easy to use in a sense that "all filters work the same way".
  • with no other dependency than pixpipe.js
  • with no required compilation or system fuss
  • modular
  • generic enough to use different kind of data/datasource
  • easy to contribute
  • well documented for both users and contributors.


Here are some slides to present Pixpipejs. Maybe an easier introduction.


The best way to learn how to uses Pixpipe is by going through the cookbook. You'll find in-depth descriptions of the core components, examples and how-to's.


This documentation is autogenerated from source comments and thus is pretty complete. Interested in how to generate your own? go there.

Compatible formats

Here is the list of compatible formats:

  • jpeg (to Image2D)
  • png (to Image2D)
  • tiff (to Image2D)
  • NIfTI (to Image3D / MniVolume)
  • Minc2 (to Image3D / MniVolume)
  • MGH/MHZ (to Image3D / MniVolume)
  • EDF - European Data Format (to Signal1D)
  • MOD EEG (to Signal1D)
  • PixBin (generic Pixpipe format for pretty much everything)

Sample data

HERE is the repo where some sample data are stored (mainly to avoid this repos to be too fat).

The PixBin format

This is the binary file format used to store data from a Pixpipe pipeline. Thanks to it's proximity to Pixpipe structures a PixBin file can be opened and create the Pixpipe object instances as you left them.

The codec for PixBin is part of Pixpipejs but is also available as a separate package here. A in-depth description of the file format is also available here.


Pixpipejs is open to contribution via fork + pull requests.
In addition, if you have an idea of a feature you would like to see in Pixpipejs, you can mention if in the Wiki and we'll see what we can do.


MIT - See LICENSE file.