
Generate a README in markdown from a package.json file

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pj2md from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pj2md';



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Generate a README in markdown from a package.json file


Install pj2md globally using npm:

npm install -g pj2md


CLI usage

gt; pj2md --help

Generate a README in markdown from a package.json file

    pj2md [options]

    -o, --out=<file>       Output to file instead of stdout
    -f, --force            Overwrite any existing output file
    -l, --logo=<path>      Add the provided file as a logo, using http://rawgit.com/ url's (1)
    -r, --related=<pkg>    Add a package as a related package in readme (can be set multiple times)
    --no-badges            Don't add any badges to readme
    --no-travis            Don't add a Travis build badge (2)
    --no-codestyle         Don't add a code style badge (3)
    --no-module            Don't add module usage information (4)
    --no-api               Don't add API information (4)
    --no-cli               Don't add CLI usage information (5)
    --no-license           Don't add license information to readme
    --pre<section>=<file>  Include the given file before given section in readme (6)
    --post<section>=<file> Include the given file after given section in readme (6)
    -v, --version          Show version number
    -h, --help             Show help

      1) only applicable when package has a 'repository' section
      2) only applicable when there's a '.travis.yml' file in project
      3) only applicable when package depends on XO, semistandard or standard
      4) only applicable when package has a 'main' section
      5) only applicable when package has a 'bin' section
      6) possible sections are: logo, badges, description, install, usage, module, cli, api, license and ref

    pj2md --no-api -f -o README.md               Generate (and overwrite) README.md without API information from current package.json file
    pj2md --logo media/project.svg > README.md   Generate a readme with 'media/project.svg' as logo to stdout, which is then saved as README.md
    pj2md --predescription desc.md -o README.md  Generate README.md which includes the contents of desc.md before the package description


All CLI options can be configured in a pj2md section in your package.json. This way you don't have to type the same options in the command prompt all the time.

Configuration example

  "pj2md": {
    "logo": "media/package-logo.png",
    "api": false,
    "postdescription": "extended-description.md",
    "preusage": "some-nice-info.md",
    "related": [

Note: options passed via CLI takes precedence over the configuration in package.json.


MIT © Joakim Carlstein