
Transforms package.json into userscript metadata, including a local require, if provided

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pj2usTransformer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pj2us-transformer';



Transforms package.json into userscript metadata, including a local require, if provided. For use in a node-powered(e.g. webpack) userscript development toolchain.


Just pass it the contents of the package.json file as a string and it will return a transformed string. If target is provided, it will convert that into a file URL require. Target must be an absolute path.

The properties name and version are required.

It will pull others such as description or author automatically.

Use the property userscript in your package.json to include any userscript tags not defined in vanilla package.json. It can also be used to override anything from package.json. Values can be strings or arrays.


Support for @downloadURL / @updateURL