
A set of mustache templates to be used with express-mustache-overlays and bootstrap-flexbox-overlay that add PJAX (PushState+AJAX) and Progressive Web App support to a project.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pjaxPwaOverlayExample from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pjax-pwa-overlay-example';


PJAX PWA Overlay Example

You can test the example as simply as:

cd ../
npm install
cd example
npm install
PORT=8000 npm start

If you get a warning about not being able to install a package, remove your package-lock.json file and try again.

To add logging too you can use:

DEBUG="*" PORT=8000 npm start

You can choose just a few selected loggers by comma-separating their names like this:

DEBUG="pjax*,express-mustache-overlays" PORT=8000 npm start

For production use you may want to change the settings in the code, or use environment variables.

If you visit http://localhost:8000/ you'll see a page rendered from the content.mustache template in bootstreap-flexbox-overlay's views directory.

If you visit http://localhost:8000/not-found, no route is set up so you'll see a 404 page rendered from express-render-error's view/404.mustache template.

If you visit http://localhost:8000/throw you'll see a 500 page rendered from from express-render-error's views/500.mustache and you should also see the debug output of a stack trace at the terminal (if you set the DEBUG environment variable correctly as above).

If you visit http://localhost:8000/network-error you'll see a page that also gets rendered if you lose your internet connection or the server goes down. You wouldn't normally link this into your navigation but it is here in the example for testing. If you stop the server (or disable networking) and visit any other page, this should be the page you see. If you visit /home, set the server and networking up again and follow try again, the homepage should then reload, without the browser refreshing (i.e. still as a single page app).

If you visit http://localhost:8000/start you'll see the page the user would see if they installed the PWA and then opened it. Again, this might not be included in the navigation in a real app, but is handy for debugging here.

You can also specify overlays directly in code as documented in express-public-files-overlays and express-mustache-overlays.


Docker can't copy files from a parent directory so the docker:build command puts the current dev version of pjax-pwa-overlay in this directory and created a modified package.json.docker:

npm run docker:build && npm run docker:run


npm run fix