
Parse the Viacom MRSS document and return a metadata object

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pjsMrssParser from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/pjs-mrss-parser';


Build Status

MRSS Parser

Take a MRSS JSON object and convert into something useable.

    "title": "Channel title",
    "link": "Channel link",
    "description": "Channel description",
    "image": {
        "title": "Channel image title",
        "link": "Channel image link",
        "url": "Channel image url",
        "height": 200,
        "width": 200
    "items": [{
        "title": "item0 title",
        "description": "item0 description",
        "link": "item0 link",
        "guid": "item0 guid",
        "duration": 182,
        "group": {
            "content": "item0 group content",
            "rating": "item0 group rating ",
            "category": {
                "franchise": "item0 group category franchise",
                "contentType": "item0 group category contentType",
                "source": "item0 group category source",
                "reportable": true,
                "affectCounters": true,
                "eventType": "item0 group category eventType",
                "date": "Jan 1st, 2010"
            "text": {
                "role": "item0 group text role",
                "lang": "item0 group text lang",
                "label": "item0 group text label",
                "type": "item0 group text type",
                "src": "item0 group text src"
        "image": {
            "width": 1280,
            "height": 720,
            "url": "item0 image url",
            "link": "item0 image link",
            "title": "item0 image title"