
Image Uploader Web Component - Side project to learn Stencil JS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pkImageUploader from '';


Built With Stencil

Image Uploader Web Component

A side project for myself to create a reusable drag&drop image uploader web component and practice StencilJS.

Image uploader

You can check out a DEMO PEN here.


The component can receive the following properties as html attributes. Only the label is required. If the image is not set, the component will simply start off with an empty state (showing the drop box). All the requirement rule properties have default values thus they are not required.

Property Attribute Description Type Default
image image The URL of an already existing image string undefined
label* label Text label shown over the image box string undefined
maxFileSize size-max Maximum allowed file size in MB number 5
maxImageHeight height-max Maximum allowed image height in pixel number 4000
maxImageWidth width-max Maximum allowed image width in pixel number 6000
minImageHeight height-min Minimum allowed image height in pixel number 240
minImageWidth width-min Minimum allowed image width in pixel number 320

For image dimensions (px) if either of the values are set to 0 that minimum or maximum size accordingly will NOT be validated.


Every time the loaded image changes and the file is valid, an imagechange event is fired with the image file as the payload, or a null value if the images has been removed.

Event Description Type
imagechange Payload: the selected file or null CustomEvent<File | null>


  • Component width is set to 100% of the parent element
  • Component height is 350px by default but can be easily overwritten by simply assigning a new height in CSS for the pk-image-uploader element
  • CSS variables can be set to overwrite some of the default settings:
CSS variable Description Default
--iu-primary-color Color of the texts and borders #00000099
--iu-dragging-color Color of the border while dragging #425AC9
--iu-error-color Color of the border and the error message in case of invalid file #D20000
--iu-border-radius Border radius of the component box and buttons 5px