
A Pokémon battle with the the 3 Kanto starters. Made with object composition in mind.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pkmnBattle from '';


A Pokémon battle within NPM

Choose the Pokémons you want to battle with and against between the 3 Kanto starters.


npm i pkmn-battle
npx pkmn-battle


battle to start running the script, then just follow the insctructions.


A small project to try my hands at object composition in JavaScript.

What's to come next ?

I'm thinking of honing this small game more and more as I learn. Here is a quick list of features I want to add:

  • Removal of the chosen Pokemon from the pool of avaible ones for the opponent
  • New moves and news Pokémons
  • A better way to select Pokémons and moves than entering a name or a number
  • Leveling up ?
  • Items ?
  • Bugs corrections and improvements in code quality