
Watches Youtube Playlists and automatically downloads & converts them to mp3

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pl2mp3 from '';


pl2mp3 npm version

👀 Watches Youtube Playlists and automatically downloads & converts them to mp3

pl2mp3 will watch multiple YT playlists to download newly added videos and convert them to MP3. Ideal for music or podcast playlists.

Install pl2mp3:

npm install -g pl2mp3


  $ pl2mp3 <Download Directory>

  --init, -i  create a new download Directory
  --update <mins>, -u <min>   check for playlist updates every <min> mins. Default 10min
  --reset, -r resets database, removes downloaded videos

  $ pl2mp3 --init <Download Directory> // to create a new download Directory
  $ pl2mp3 <Download Directory> // to start watching for new videos
  $ pl2mp3 --update 20 <Download Directory> // to watch every 20min for changes.


Setup Download folder:

  • In order to use pl2mp3, you first have to create a download Directory. This Directory will be used by pl2mp3 to download and convert new videos. Run the following command to create a new download Directory
pl2mp3 --init <Directory name>
  • This will create a new directory with a db.json file and a config.json file.

Setup config.json:

  • After running the --init command, pl2mp3 created a config.json file. The config.json file is used to specify the playlists you want to download and other options.
  • When adding new playlists to the config.json, make sure that the Youtube playlists are public.

Sample config:

  • The following config will download and watch two Playlists.
  "playlists": [
          "link": ""
          "link": ""

Split option:

  • You can add the following option to split mp3s into smaller clips
  "playlists": [
          "link": "",

*This will split every mp3 file into 3 min clips, with proper names.

Start pl2mp3:

  • After creating a Download Directory and customizing the config.json you can start pl2mp3 with the following command:
pl2mp3 <Directory name>
  • pl2mp3 will create a separate folder for each playlist and will start downloading and converting all videos inside the playlists.
  • After that pl2mp3 will look every 10 min for newly added videos to download them too. You can change the time by using the --update <min> flag.


ICS © Julian Beck