Some pretty nice placeholder nouns for your site (people, places, and things), powered by
Using npm:
$ npm install -g placemat-node
➜ placemat --help
Usage: placemat [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-w, --width <n> Specifies the width of the returned image. Can be used alone, or alongside h. A number in pixels.
-h, --height <n> Specifies the height of the returned image. Can be used alone, or alongside w. A number in pixels.
-r, --random <value> By default, Placemat will always return the same image for a given size. If you want to mix things up a bit, pass random=1. If you want to get the same "random" image every time, pass any other value for random.
-t, --text <txt> Display custom text.
-c, --textColor <color> Change the displayed text color.
-C, --overlayColor <color> Defines a custom overlay color.
-b, --overlayBlend <value> Allows changing the overlay's blend mode.
-o, --output <FILE> write image to FILE.
people <option>
places <option>
things <option>
Width (w)
Specifies the width of the returned image. Can be used alone, or alongside h. A number in pixels.
Height (h)
Specifies the height of the returned image. Can be used alone, or alongside w. A number in pixels.
Random (r)
By default, Placemat will always return the same image for a given size. If you want to mix things up a bit, pass random=1. If you want to get the same "random" image every time, pass any other value for random, e.g. random=hello or random=2. This tends to be especially handy for the people
Text (t)
Placemat will add your requested dimensions to the returned image by default, but you can bypass that by passing txt=0. If you want to display custom text, just send along something like txt=Hello+World!
Text Color (c)
Change the displayed text color. Accepts a 3 (RGB), 4 (ARGB), 6 (RRGGBB), or 8 digit (AARRGGBB) hexadecimal value. The first two digits of an 8 digit hex value represent the color's alpha transparency. Defaults to BFFF.
Overlay Color (C)
Defines a custom overlay color. Accepts a 3 (RGB), 6 (RRGGBB) or 8 digit (AARRGGBB) hexidecimal value. The first two digits of an 8 digit hex value represent the color's alpha transparency. Defaults to ACACAC.
Overlay Blend Mode (b)
Allows changing the overlay's blend mode. Defaults to multiply, and can be assigned to any of the imgix blend modes.
output (o)
write images to FILE.
Enjoy it.