
A simple library for representing a deck of playing cards.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plainCards from '';


Plain Cards

Plain Cards is a small Typescript library for representing a deck of plain (playing) cards for use in card game apps or wherever.


npm install --save plain-cards


Creating a new deck

Return a new instance of the Deck with shuffled cards:

import Deck from "plain-cards";

const deck = new Deck();


Name Type Description
cards Card[] List of cards remaining in the deck.
size number Number of cards remaining in the deck.


Name Signature Description
shuffle () => Card[] Shuffles the cards within the deck. Also returns the newly shuffled cards.
draw (count = 1) => Card[] Removes and returns the top card from the deck. Passing a number for count will return that many cards.
peek (count = 1) => Card Returns the card at the top of the deck. Passing a number for count will return that card in the order of the deck. Note: Unlike draw this does not remove the card from the deck.
cut (count: number) => Card[] Cut the deck at a card given by count. Also returns the new order of the cards