
Simple http/https fetch

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import planckHttpFetch from '';



Simple promise-based HTTP/HTTPS fetch.


npm install planck-http-fetch


import { Fetch } from "planck-http-fetch";

const data = await new Fetch("https://...") // url
    .timeout(5000)  // timeout 5s
    .head("Api-Key", "123") // sets header
    .head("Host", "")    // sets another header
    .basicAuth("user", "password")  // enables basic auth in HTTP header
    .unauthorized() // skips certificate check if https
    .fetch("data to send", "text/plain");   // do request with data and content type

For fetch method:

If data is set POST is used, else GET

If contentType is not set, application/json;charset=utf-8 is used

307 temp. redirect

From version 1.7.2, temp. redirections (307) are handled automatically

More info?

All methods have JSDoc comments, they provides more info on usage.