
Custom builds of OpenLayers 3.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import planetMaps from '';


Planet Maps

Custom builds of OpenLayers 3.


Install planet-maps as a dependency with npm.

npm install planet-maps --save-dev

Use Browserify to require OpenLayers 3.

// see below for a list of custom builds
var ol = require('planet-maps/dist/ol-base');

You'll also want to import the stylesheet:

/* Make sure to use the path to your node_modules */
@import url('./node_modules/planet-maps/dist/ol.css');



Support for vector and raster sources. See config/ol-base.json for details on what is included.


This is a debug build that should never be used in production.

Publishing a new release

Edit the config files to include what you need exported and commit the changes. Then you'll want to bump the version number in package.json, commit this change, and create a tag. This should be done with the npm version command (choose one of patch, minor, or major). E.g.

npm version minor

Next you'll want to push your commits (and the tag) and publish your changes to

git push --tags origin master
npm publish

Before publishing, the prepublish step will run make. This will create builds in the dist directory that are not tracked by git but that are pushed to the repository for use by consuming packages.

Note the new version number in package.json and use it in packages that depend on this one.