
Create custom SoundCloud players with HTML and CSS.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plangular from '';



Create custom SoundCloud players with HTML and CSS.


Table of Contents:

Getting Started

Plangular comes in two versions. One built with AngularJS and the other with Vuejs. If you're not currently using one of these frameworks, the Vuejs version's total javascript should be smaller when considering the size of the libraries, and might be more performant.

Note: this has not been tested yet.

The Plangular properties and methods are roughly the same for both versions, with minor difference in syntax between Angular and Vuejs. Examples are provided for both versions.

Include JS Files


Download v-plangular.min.js and include it in your project along with Vuejs:

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="js/v-plangular.min.js"></script>


Download the ng-plangular.min.js file and include it in your project along with Angular:

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="js/ng-plangular.min.js"></script>

Alternatively, you may link to the CDN hosted versions:

<!-- Vuejs version -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Angular version -->
<script src=""></script>

Initialize the App

Bootstrap the Vuejs or Angular app.

Vuejs Create a new Vue instance on any parent element.

<body id="vm">
  <script> var vm = new Vue({ el: '#vm' }) </script>


Use the ng-app attribute on any parent element. For standalone applications, you can pass plangular as the app.

<body ng-app="plangular"></body>

Or for use within a larger Angular app, include the dependency in your app definition.

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['plangular']);

Create the Player

Create a new player instance using the SoundCloud URL for your track. This will return data from the SoundCloud API and other properties and methods to control playback.


<div v-component="plangular" v-src="''"></div>


<div plangular=""></div>

Include the Track Info

Use template bindings to include information about the track. You can use any data from the SoundCloud API response.

<p>{{ user.username }}</p>
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<!-- or in the track object -->
<p>{{ track.user.username }}</p>
<h1>{{ track.title }}</h1>

Add Play/Pause Controls

Use the play(), pause(), or playPause() methods to play the track. Use template conditionals to show and hide controls based on the player state.


<button v-on="click: playPause()">Play/Pause</button>
<!-- or -->
<button v-on="click: play()" v-if="player.playing != track">Play</button>
<button v-on="click: pause()" v-if="player.playing == track">Pause</button>


<button ng-click="playPause()">Play/Pause</button>
<!-- or -->
<button ng-click="play()" ng-if="player.playing != track">Play</button>
<button ng-click="pause()" ng-if="player.playing == track">Pause</button>

Next/Previous Controls

Plangular will cycle through all instances in a view and through tracks in a SoundCloud playlist. Use the previous() and next() methods to skip between tracks.


<button v-on="click: previous()">Previous</button>
<button v-on="click: next()">Next</button>


<button ng-click="previous()">Previous</button>
<button ng-click="next()">Next</button>

Show Current Time and Duration

Plangular includes basic variables to display the sound's time and duration. The prettyTime filter will convert milliseconds to hh:mm:ss format.

<progress value="{{ currentTime / duration || 0 }}">{{ currentTime / duration }}</progress>
<small>{{ currentTime | prettyTime }} | {{ duration | prettyTime }}</small>

Add a Scrubber Control

Add the seek() method to add scrubbing.


<progress value="{{ currentTime / duration || 0 }}" v-on="click: seek($event)">{{ currentTime / duration }}</progress>


<progress value="{{ currentTime / duration || 0 }}" ng-click="seek($event)">{{ currentTime / duration }}</progress>

Add Images and Links

To use images and links in the track object, use Angular's or Vuejs's custom attributes.


<img v-attr="src: track.artwork_url" alt="{{ track.title }}" />
<img v-attr="src: track.waveform_url" alt="waveform" />


<a ng-href="{{ track.permalink_url }}">View on SoundCloud</a>
<img ng-src="{{ track.artwork_url  }}" alt="{{ track.title }}" />
<img ng-src="{{ track.waveform_url }}" alt="waveform" />

Note: The waveform image that the SoundCloud API provides is a 1200 x 280px PNG with a light gray frame and transparent middle. To show progress use absolute positioning with the waveform in front. The light gray color is #efefef.


Use the plangular-icon directive to inject icons into your player. This directive must be used on an svg element.


<svg v-plangular-icon="'play'"></svg>


<svg plangular-icon="play"></svg>

The included icons are a subset of Geomicons Open:

  • play
  • pause
  • previous
  • next
  • close
  • chevronRight
  • chevronLeft
  • heart

Loading States

Use template conditionals to show a loading state.


<span v-if="!track">Loading...</span>
<div v-if="track"><!-- Player --></div>


<span ng-if="!track">Loading...</span>
<div ng-if="track"><!-- Player --></div>

Plangular API

  • plangular - The Angular directive or Vuejs component
  • v-src - Vuejs Only The Vuejs directive used to pass the SoundCloud source URL
  • track - The object returned from the SoundCloud API
  • player - The global player object


  • currentTime - Current time in milliseconds.
  • duration - Duration of the track in milliseconds
  • prettyTime - Filter to convert milliseconds to hh:mm:ss format


  • play() - Method for playing the track
  • pause() - Method for pausing
  • playPause() - Method for toggling playback of the track
  • seek($event) - Method for scrubbing

SoundCloud API

Example JSON object:

  "kind": "track",
  "id": 104286869,
  "created_at": "2013/08/06 18:40:58 +0000",
  "user_id": 1561,
  "duration": 10058,
  "commentable": true,
  "state": "finished",
  "original_content_size": 1764044,
  "sharing": "public",
  "tag_list": "Vocal",
  "permalink": "plangular",
  "streamable": true,
  "embeddable_by": "all",
  "downloadable": false,
  "purchase_url": null,
  "label_id": null,
  "purchase_title": null,
  "genre": "FX",
  "title": "Plangular",
  "description": "",
  "label_name": null,
  "release": null,
  "track_type": null,
  "key_signature": null,
  "isrc": null,
  "video_url": null,
  "bpm": null,
  "release_year": null,
  "release_month": null,
  "release_day": null,
  "original_format": "wav",
  "license": "all-rights-reserved",
  "uri": "",
  "user": {
    "id": 1561,
    "kind": "user",
    "permalink": "jxnblk",
    "username": "Jxnblk",
    "uri": "",
    "permalink_url": "",
    "avatar_url": ""
  "permalink_url": "",
  "artwork_url": null,
  "waveform_url": "",
  "stream_url": "",
  "playback_count": 51,
  "download_count": 0,
  "favoritings_count": 1,
  "comment_count": 0,
  "attachments_uri": ""

See for more details

Using the SoundCloud API

According to the SoundCloud API terms you must:

  • Credit the user as the creator of the content
  • Credit SoundCloud as the source
  • Include a link to the sound on SoundCloud (i.e. a link using track.permalink_url)

Read more here:


SoundCloud provides an option for users to prevent streaming to third-party apps. If your sound isn't playing check the track.streamable variable. If it's set to false, there is no way to play that sound with the API.

Changes from Version 1.0

  • New Vuejs version
  • Simpler player methods
  • Angular Version: Tracks are now passed through the plangular attribute, instead of data-src. E.g. <div plangular=""></div>
  • The playTime filter is now called prettyTime.
  • next() and previous() methods now work for all tracks on a page.
  • Cleaned up player object
  • currentTime and duration for track or globally on the player object
  • plangular-icon must be used on an svg element

MIT License