
`plantation` is a collection of [cake]( tasks to simplify working on projects using multiple transpilers, particularly coffeescript and YAML. It has strong opinions about the tools you want to use.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plantation from '';



plantation is a collection of cake tasks to simplify working on projects using multiple transpilers, particularly coffeescript and YAML. It has strong opinions about the tools you want to use.


The project is currently under very fitful development, and may be subject to breaking rewrites at any time.


There are two ways to install plantation:

  1. Install globally

    You can install plantation globally:

    npm install -g plantation

    You can then run plantation in your shell to see the list of commands available.

    This option is not really recommended, it ties all your projects to the same version.

  2. Install locally

    You can install plantation locally on a per-project basis:

    npm install plantation

    You can then run node_module/.bin/plantation in your shell to see the list of commands available. Alternatively, you can create/modify a Cakefile to contain:

    do require 'plantation'

    You can then run cake in your shell to see the list of commands available.

    This will load the tasks from the local installation of plantation. This allows you to lock your project on a specific version of plantation, giving you a way to hide from breaking changes.


Run the commands below with the executable you installed.

  • info

    Shows the configuration that plantation will run with. Configuration is typically inferred based on convention, but can be given explicitly (see API).

    The configuration shown will look something like:

    Plantation options:
      directories:         # the directories plantation will use
        current: <cwd>     # the 'project directory'
        source:  <cwd>/src # the directory in which plantation will look for source files to compile
        target:  <cwd>     # the directory in which plantation will write compiled files
      compilers:           # the compilers plantation has registered
        coffee             # the coffeescript compiler
        yaml               # the YAML compiler
  • build[:compiler]

    Performs a build, either with all registered compilers or a specific compiler.

    A build involves trying to compile every source file with every compiler (though typically the compiler will only agree to compile files with a specific file extension).

    Running plantation build will produce something like:

    coffee : src/lib/ > lib/class.js
      yaml : src/package.yml      > package.json
  • watch[:compiler]

    Starts watching all files in the source directory. When they change they will be built, either with the given compiler or with all registered compilers.

    Running plantation watch, then editting src/package.yml will produce something like:

    yaml : src/package.yml  >  package.json
  • test[:watch]

    test runs all tests using mocha. test:watch provides the --watch argument to mocha. chai.expect and sinon are available globally in the tests, and chai is configured to use sinon-chai assertions.

    Default mocha configuration can be overidden by setting the mocha key when configuring plantation.

    See the mocha homepage for more information about mocha.

  • bump:{major,minor,patch,pre}

    Bumps a bit of the version and overwrites the version in <source directory>/package.yml, then performs a build to update package.json. Uses semver for manipulating versions.

    The output from bump:minor might look like:

    bumping 0.2.3 -> 0.3.0
    wrote src/package.yml
      yaml : src/package.yml  >  package.json
  • tag:{major,minor,patch,pre}

    Performs a bump of the given bit, then commits the changed package file and tags the commit. The commit message, tag name, and tag message will all simply equal <new version>.

    The output from tag:minor might look like:

    bumping 0.2.3 -> 0.3.0
    wrote src/package.yml
      yaml : src/package.yml  >  package.json
    tagged 0.3.0
  • publish:{major,minor,patch,pre}

    Performs a tag of the given bit, then pushes the new HEAD to origin/master, pushes the new tag and publishes the new version to npm.

    The output from publish:minor might look like:

    bumping 0.2.3 -> 0.3.0
    wrote src/package.yml
      yaml : src/package.yml  >  package.json
    tagged 0.3.0
    [git push output]
       abc123..def456  HEAD -> master
     * [new tag]       0.3.0 -> 0.3.0
    published 0.3.0


See source.