
A tool for working with JavaScript platforms agnostically

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plat from '';


plat build status

A tool for working with JavaScript platforms agnostically



npm install --save plat


component install jasonkuhrt/plat


:: Bool

Is true if the JavaScript is executing in a browser. false otherwise.

:: Bool

Is true if the JavaScript is executing in NodeJS. false otherwise.

:: String

Is the label of the platform that the JavaScript is executing on; may be: browser, node.

.GLOBE | .globe
:: Object

Is a reference to the global scope. window in browsers, GLOBAL in NodeJS.



If plat cannot determine the platform being used it will throw an error to let you know. At this point you should investigate why or create an issue/pull-request to justify and support your use-case/platform. The point is that plat will protect your code from executing in ambiguous execution contexts wherein e.g. you think you're in the server but not, etc.

Supported Platforms

Currently supported:

  • Browsers
  • NodeJS

More platform support is welcome by those that know how to unambiguously test for such contexts.