Setting up Workspace
Everyone uses vscode nowadays & this guide will setup your vscode according to our working environment.
Install the latest vscode into your system & follows the below steps.
Installing VsCode Extensions
Setting up vscode
Go inside your vscode setting & change line-height to double the size of font-size Example: 2x12 = 24. Here 12 is defualt font size. So, 24 will become the line-height value.
Search for EsLint Integration inside the settings bar & enable it.
Search for Format on Save & enable it.
Installing UI Kit Library
Follow the below steps to install Indshine's UI Kit library into your project.
- Create .npmrc file into the projects root folder. Paste & save the below line into the file.
- Now, create a new file into the root of your system using VIM. Open Terminal & run:
vim ~/.profile
- Paste the below code & save it.
export NPM_TOKEN=“f04c039c-1bc2-4cad-908b-c31b2d85ca34"
- Finally, go inside your project folder & run below command. It will source the token into your npmrc file.
source ~/.profile
- Once everything done. You're good to install the UI Kit. Run below command & wait for it to complete.
yarn add @indshine/ui-kit