
Retrieve paths to common media folders on each platform.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import platformPaths from '';



Retrieve platform specific paths to user folders such as downloads, documents, etc.

Supports linux, darwin, and win32 platforms.

Available paths: tmp, home, downloads, documents, pictures, music, videos, desktop.

Retrieval methods:

  • Linux: uses xdg-user-dir with a fallback to standard path names.
  • Windows: uses reg query to retrieve and parse out the paths with a fallback to standard path names.
  • macOS: simply constructs the standard path, as afaik these don't change on mac.


  • Tiny & simple.
  • No dependencies.
  • No native modules, bindings, or binaries.
  • Built in caching.


  • Potentially less robust than other alternatives.


npm install platform-paths


import {getPlatformPath, platformPaths, getDownloadsPath} from 'platform-paths';

const downloadsPath = await getPlatformPath('downloads');
// or
const downloadsPath = await;
// or
const downloadsPath = await getDownloadsPath();


Exported interfaces:

interface Options {
    maxAge?: number; // milliseconds, default: 0 (no caching)

// Name getter
async function getPlatformPath(name: string, options?: Options): Promise<string>;

// Individual getters
async function getTmpPath(options?: Options): Promise<string>;
async function getHomePath(options?: Options): Promise<string>;
async function getDownloadsPath(options?: Options): Promise<string>;
async function getDocumentsPath(options?: Options): Promise<string>;
async function getPicturesPath(options?: Options): Promise<string>;
async function getMusicPath(options?: Options): Promise<string>;
async function getVideosPath(options?: Options): Promise<string>;
async function getDesktopPath(options?: Options): Promise<string>;

// Individual getters as a map
const platformPaths = {
    tmp: (options?: Options) => Promise<string>,
    home: (options?: Options) => Promise<string>,
    downloads: (options?: Options) => Promise<string>,
    documents: (options?: Options) => Promise<string>,
    pictures: (options?: Options) => Promise<string>,
    music: (options?: Options) => Promise<string>,
    videos: (options?: Options) => Promise<string>,
    desktop: (options?: Options) => Promise<string>,

// Checks if string is a platform path identifier
// (one of platformPaths keys)
function isPlatformPathIdentifier(name: string): name is keyof typeof platformPaths;

// Manual cache clearing
function clearCache(): void;


The retrieval methods for these paths are not instant, so if you're calling this a lot, you might want to enable caching.

This is done by simply passing a maxAge option to any of the exported methods. This options is 0 by default (caching disabled):

// Re-queries when older than 10 seconds
const downloadsPath = getPlatformPath('downloads', {maxAge: 10_000});

// Only queries 1st time, then always cached
const downloadsPath = getDownloadsPath({maxAge: Infinity});
