
Simple servers which enable distributed musical performance

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import playLiveServer from '';


Play Live Server


A set of simple servers that enable realtime distributed music & audio performance application development.

This module aims to provision servers that actualize useful patterns of musical collaboration for geographically distributed performers.


$npm install play-live-server



Import Play Live Server into your app’s startup script (eg. src/app.js):
const PlayLiveServer = require(‘play-live-server’)

Call With appPath & type parameters

const path = require('path')

PlayLiveServer({appPath: path.join(__dirname, '/static'), type: 'p2p'})
  • Required parameters
    • appPath: Provides the directory path of your app's index to the server route handler. It should be the directory where your bundle is injected into your index file (eg. static/index.html).
    • type: Select the server type.
      Currently supported types: 'broadcast', 'p2p'

Under Development

This module is not ready for prime-time yet, and is currently under active developement. The only reason it was published was to secure the registry name. Still, great things to come! 🙌

License: ISC