
async function that plays .wav files in NodeJS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import playSoundFile from '';


Async function for playing .wav files in NodeJS.


npm install play-sound-file --mpg123-backend=openal

Any package which requires this module will have to apply the mpg123-backend option during npm install.

npm install --mpg123-backend=openal

Usage (Play)

const playSoundFile = require('play-sound-file');
playFile(path, volume);
  • path = path ot the .wav file

  • volume = volume to play at (0.0 to 1.0)

If the volume is 0, the file is not played. If the volume is null or undefined it plays at max volume (1.0).

Play Example

async function play() {
    const volume = 0.7;
    await playFile(__dirname + '/path/to/file.wav', volume);

play().then(r => {

Usage (Loop)

const {loopSoundFile} = require('play-sound-file');
const player = loopSoundFile(path, volume);
  • player.on('loop-begin') = is emitted when the file begins playing

  • player.on('loop-end') = is emitted when the file has finished playing

  • player.setVolume(volume) = sets the volume for the next loop

  • player.getVolume() = returns the volume

  • player.stop() = stops playing

  • player.start() = start playing

  • volume = volume to play at (0.0 to 1.0)

If the volume is 0, the file is not played. If the volume is null or undefined it plays at max volume (1.0).

Loop Example

async function play() {
    const volume = 0.7;
    await playFile(__dirname + '/path/to/file.wav', volume);

play().then(r => {