
A simple transition library for React (and routers!)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import playful from '';


▶️ Playful

A simple transition library for React (and routers!)

Table of Contents


npm install --save playful


import {withTransition} from 'playful'

// Create your components as you normally would
const MyComponent = () => <div>My Content</div>

// Define the effect you'd like your component to animate with when it is
// mounted and unmounted. Technically, you don't need to do this.
// The library has some nice smart defaults.
const playOptions = {
  effect: 'fadeAndPop',
  duration: 600,
  direction: 'up',

// Create the enhanced component using withTransition along with your
// options and component.
const PlayfulComponent = withTransition(playOptions)(MyComponent)

// Render it out! ✨
const App = () => {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <PlayfulComponent />