
SDK to make accessing PlayNetwork APIs when writing code in Javascript (Node.js) much easier.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import playnetworkSdk from '';


PlayNetwork Node.js SDK

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This module is an open source project with the goal of making the task of consuming various PlayNetwork APIs easy and straight-forward.


npm install playnetwork-sdk


Getting Started


This module can be used to interact with the CURIOMusic API to retrieve content programming and track meta-data.

Custom Playlists






This module can be used to interact with the PlayNetwork Content API to retrieve tracks, verify existence of tracks to acknowledge download.


This module can be used to interact with the Playback API to get NowPlaying information, play history and record playback.


This module can be used to interact with Playnetwork's socket-io service,, to allow realtime communication to/from a device for the purposes of gathering information about that device and controling music playback


This module provides support for retrieving location / device specific environment settings, including network details, proxy configuration, throttling and more.


This module allows one to retrieve information for locations as PlayNetwork understands them.


This module enables simple access to device group and individual device status information.

Getting Started


The PlayNetwork SDK must be configured with a valid and active clientId and secret prior to use. If #configure is not called, no functionality within the SDK is enabled and all SDK sub-modules (i.e. music, settings, content, etc.) will be undefined.

var playnetwork = require('playnetwork-sdk');


// echo configured settings
Shared Credentials File

Alternatively, the PlayNetwork SDK may be configured with a clientId and secret using a shared credentials file.

By default, the SDK will search for the shared credentials file within process.env.HOME (or process.env.USERPROFILE when using Windows) at the following path: .playnetwork/credentials.json (i.e. /home/ubuntu/.playnetwork/credentials.json, etc.). A credentials file path can alternatively be specified via options when calling #configure.

When using the shared credentials file, the file must be in the following JSON format:

  "clientId": "<CLIENT_ID>",
  "secret": "<SECRET>"

Example #configure usage for loading the clientId and secret from the default credentials path:

var playnetwork = require('playnetwork-sdk');


Example #configure usage for loading the clientId and secret from a specified file path:

var playnetwork = require('playnetwork-sdk');

  key {
    credentialsPath : '/path/to/credentials.json'

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The PlayNetwork SDK allows for a set of additional configuration parameters to be specified as an optional argument to the #configure method. This parameter is fully optional and, by default, all communication occurs with the PlayNetwork production environment.

The supported options are as follows:

  • content
    • host - the hostname of the content API
    • secure - defaults to true, defines when the API uses TLS
    • totalTimeout - In miliseconds to activate the expotential backoff mechanism
    • initialDelay - Override the initial delay for 30ms.
  • key
    • host - the hostname of the key API
    • secure - defaults to true, defines when the API uses TLS
    • totalTimeout - In miliseconds to activate the expotential backoff mechanism
    • initialDelay - Override the initial delay for 30ms.
    • cacheTokens
  • music
    • host - the hostname of the music API
    • secure - defaults to true, defines when the API uses TLS
    • totalTimeout - In miliseconds to activate the expotential backoff mechanism
    • initialDelay - Override the initial delay for 30ms.
  • playback
    • host - the hostname of the playback API
    • secure - defaults to true, defines when the API uses TLS
    • totalTimeout - In miliseconds to activate the expotential backoff mechanism
    • initialDelay - Override the initial delay for 30ms.
  • player
    • host - the hostname of the playerservice app
    • secure - defaults to true, defines when the API uses TLS
    • totalTimeout - In miliseconds to activate the expotential backoff mechanism
    • initialDelay - Override the initial delay for 30ms.
  • provision
    • host - the hostname of the provision API
    • secure - defaults to true, defines when the API uses TLS
    • totalTimeout - In miliseconds to activate the expotential backoff mechanism
    • initialDelay - Override the initial delay for 30ms.
  • settings
    • host - the hostname
    • secure - defaults to true, defines when the API uses TLS
    • totalTimeout - In miliseconds to activate the expotential backoff mechanism
    • initialDelay - Override the initial delay for 30ms.

See the following example that configures the SDK for interaction with a sandbox PlayNetwork environment (_note: this is an example only).

  playnetwork = require('playnetwork-sdk'),
  options = {
    content : {
      host : '',
      host : '',
      totalTimeout: 40000 //ms To activate exponential backoff mechanism.
    key : {
      host : ''
    music : {
      host : ''
    playback : {
      host : ''
    player : {
      host : ''
    settings : {
      host : ''


// echo configured settings

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In order to use the CLI, a Shared Credentials File must configured first. Additionally, the module should be installed globally:

npm install -g playnetwork-sdk
usage: playnetwork [-s] [-a | --api] [-c | --command] [-? | -h | --help]
    -s                   - specify pipe mode for input stream
    -a <api>             - the API to use
    -c <command> <args>  - the command and arguments to supply
    -h                   - help
    -v                   - verbose
  • -a (or --api): supply any sub-module of the SDK (i.e. music, content, playback, etc.)
  • -c (or --command): supply any method for the specified sub-module (i.e. allStations, etc.)
  • -s: required when supplying additional data (in JSON format) via a pipe
  • -v: will display the outbound request and inbound response details for the call to the API

Get all stations:

playnetwork -a music -c allStations

Get stations with options (notice the use of -s in the command below):

echo '{ "count" : 1, "sort" : { "desc" : "modified" } }' | playnetwork -s -a music -c allStations

Delete a broadcast with verbose output (notice the use of -v in the command below):

playnetwork -v -a music -c deleteBroadcast <stationId> <broadcastId>

Download a legacy asset file:

playnetwork -a content -c getLegacyAssetStream <legacy.trackToken> > ~/Downloads/file.mp2

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Music Module

The music module is designed to simplify interaction with the PlayNetwork CURIOMusic API. This module supports the following methods:


This method can be used to add tracks to an existing custom playlist.

Usage:, tracks, callback)

  • playlistId - (required) - defines the playlist to which tracks should be added
  • tracks - (required) - an array of track objects to add to the playlist
    • NOTE: assetId or legacy.trackToken must be supplied
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
  playlistId = '<PLAYLIST_ID>',
  tracks = [{
    assetId : '<ASSET_ID>'
  }, {
    legacy : {
      trackToken : 12345

  .addPlaylistTracks(playlistId, tracks)
  .then((result) => {
    console.log('successfully added tracks to playlist %s', playlistId);
  .catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to retrieve a paginated result set of broadcasts created for the specified station.

Usage:, options, callback)

  • stationId - (required) - defines the station for which broadcasts should be retrieved
  • options - (optional) - can be used to supply additional filters and sorting instructions
    • start - the index at which to start selection of items
    • count - the total number of items to retrieve (maximum value is 100)
    • filters - additional field projections along with mandatory and optional filters (see API documentation for more details)
    • sort - additional sorting parameters for result (see API documentation for more details)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
var stationId = '<STATION_ID>';

  .allBroadcasts(stationId, {
    start : 0,
    count : 100,
    sort : {
      desc : 'created'
  }).then((result) => {
      'found %d broadcasts for station %s',,
  }).catch((err) => {

back to top


This method can be used to retrieve a paginated list of collections from the API.

Usage:, callback)

  • options - (optional) - can be used to supply additional filters and sorting instructions
    • start - the index at which to start selection of items
    • count - the total number of items to retrieve (maximum value is 100)
    • filters - additional field projections along with mandatory and optional filters (see API documentation for more details)
    • sort - additional sorting parameters for result (see API documentation for more details)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
    start : 0,
    count : 100,
    filters : {
      mandatory : {
        exact : {
          'legacy.programToken' : 4550361
  }).then((result) => {
    console.log('found %d collections',;
  }).catch((err) => {

back to top


This method can be used to retrieve a paginated set of tracks from a collection in the API.

Usage:, options, callback)

  • collectionId - (required) - defines the collection for which tracks should be retrieved
  • options - (optional) - can be used to supply additional filters and sorting instructions
    • start - the index at which to start selection of items
    • count - the total number of items to retrieve (maximum value is 100)
    • filters - additional field projections along with mandatory and optional filters (see API documentation for more details)
    • sort - additional sorting parameters for result (see API documentation for more details)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
var collectionId = '<COLLECTION_ID>';

  .allCollectionTracks(collectionId, {
    start : 0,
    count : 100
  }).then((result) => {
      'found %d tracks from collection %s',,
  }).catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to retrieve a paginated result set of custom playlists from the API. The playlists returned are constrained to those created by the clientId specified in the #configure method.

Usage:, callback)

  • options - (optional) - can be used to supply additional filters and sorting instructions
    • start - the index at which to start selection of items
    • count - the total number of items to retrieve (maximum value is 100)
    • filters - additional field projections along with mandatory and optional filters (see API documentation for more details)
    • sort - additional sorting parameters for result (see API documentation for more details)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
    start : 0,
    count : 100,
    filters : {
      mandatory : {
        exact : {
          'legacy.playlistToken' : 4550361
  }).then((result) => {
    console.log('found %d playlists',;
  }).catch((err) => {

back to top


This method can be used to retrieve a paginated set of tracks from a custom playlist in the API.

Usage:, options, callback)

  • playlistId - (required) - defines the playlist for which tracks should be retrieved
  • options - (optional) - can be used to supply additional filters and sorting instructions
    • start - the index at which to start selection of items
    • count - the total number of items to retrieve (maximum value is 100)
    • filters - additional field projections along with mandatory and optional filters (see API documentation for more details)
    • sort - additional sorting parameters for result (see API documentation for more details)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
var playlistId = '<PLAYLIST_ID>';

  .allPlaylistTracks(playlistId, {
    start : 0,
    count : 100
  }).then((result) => {
      'found %d tracks from playlist %s',,
  }).catch((err) => {

back to top


This method can be used to retrieve a paginated result set of stations from the API.

Usage:, callback)

  • options - (optional) - can be used to supply additional filters and sorting instructions
    • start - the index at which to start selection of items
    • count - the total number of items to retrieve (maximum value is 100)
    • filters - additional field projections along with mandatory and optional filters (see API documentation for more details)
    • sort - additional sorting parameters for result (see API documentation for more details)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
    start : 0,
    count : 100,
    filters : {
      mandatory : {
        contains : {
          'title' : 'rock'
  }).then((result) => {
      'found %d "rock" stations',;
  }).catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to retrieve a paginated set of tracks from a station in the API.

Usage:, options, callback)

  • stationId - (required) - defines the station for which tracks should be retrieved
  • options - (optional) - can be used to supply additional filters and sorting instructions
    • start - the index at which to start selection of items
    • count - the total number of items to retrieve (maximum value is 100)
    • filters - additional field projections along with mandatory and optional filters (see API documentation for more details)
    • sort - additional sorting parameters for result (see API documentation for more details)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
var stationId = '<STATION_ID>';

  .allStationTracks(stationId, {
    start : 0,
    count : 100
  }).then((result) => {
      'found %d tracks from station %s',,
  }).catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to retrieve a paginated result set of tracks from the API.

Note: Due to the implementation within the API, some filter parameters are not supported.

Usage:, callback)

  • options - (optional) - can be used to supply additional filters and sorting instructions
    • start - the index at which to start selection of items
    • count - the total number of items to retrieve (maximum value is 100)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
    start : 0,
    count : 100
  }).then((result) => {
      'found %d tracks',;
  }).catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to verify if a track exists within a station. Because a track can be added to a custom playlist multiple times, this method may be handy for understanding whether track is already within the custom playlist prior to adding it again.

Usage:, trackAlias, callback)

  • playlistId - (required) - defines the playlist
  • trackAlias - (required) - defines the track to verify
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • exists - a boolean (true or false) representing whether the track exists within the requested playlist
  playlistId = '<PLAYLIST_ID>',
  trackAlias = ['tracktoken', 12345].join(':');

  .checkPlaylistTrack(playlistId, trackAlias).then((exists) => {
    if (exists) {
        'track %s exists in playlist %s',
    } else {
        'track %s does not exist in playlist %s',
  }).catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to create a new broadcast for an existing station.

Usage:, options, callback)

  • stationId - (required) - defines the station for which the broadcast should be created
  • options - (optional) - defines additional parameters for the broadcast
    • beginDate - (optional) - the date and time at which the broadcast schedule should begin (defaults to the current date and time if not supplied)
    • duration - (optional) - the length, in minutes, for the playlist (defaults to 1440 which is 24 hours)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - the response from the API
var stationId = '<STATION_ID>';

  .then((broadcast) => {
      'successfully created broadcast with id %s',
  .catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to create a new custom playlist.

Usage:, callback)

  • playlist - (required) - defines the details of the playlist
    • title - (required) - the name of the custom playlist
    • tracks - (optional) - the tracks that should be added to the playlist at the time it is created
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - the response from the API
var info = {
  title : 'Vorster\'s Favorite Hits'

  .then((playlist) => {
      'successfully created playlist with id %s',
  .catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to delete an existing broadcast schedule from within a station.

Usage:, broadcastId, callback)

  • stationId - (required) - defines the station within which the broadcast exists
  • broadcastId - (required) - defines the broadcast to delete
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
  stationId = '<STATION_ID>',
  broadcastId = '<BROADCAST_ID>';

  .deleteBroadcast(stationId, broadcastId)
  .then((playlist) => {
      'successfully deleted broadcast with id %s',
  .catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to delete an existing custom playlist.

Usage:, callback)

  • playlistId - (required) - defines the playlist to delete
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
var playlistId = '<PLAYLIST_ID>';

  .then((playlist) => {
      'successfully deleted playlist with id %s',
  .catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to remove an existing track from a custom playlist.

Usage:, trackAlias, callback)

  • playlistId - (required) - defines the playlist from which the track should be removed
  • trackAlias - (required) - defines the track to remove
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
  playlistId = '<PLAYLIST_ID>',
  trackAlias = 'tracktoken:1234';

  .deletePlaylistTrack(playlistId, trackAlias)
  .then((playlist) => {
      'successfully deleted track %s from playlist with id %s',
  .catch((err) => {

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To retrieve a specific broadcast for a station, by broadcast identifier, use this method.

Usage:, broadcastId, callback)

  • stationId - (required) - defines the station from which the broadcast should be retrieved
  • broadcastId - (required) - defines the broadcast to retrieve
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • broadcast - the broadcast
  stationId = '<STATION_ID>',
  broadcastId = '<BROADCAST_ID>';

  .getBroadcast(stationId, broadcastId)
  .then((broadcast) => {
      'successfully retrieved broadcast %s',
  .catch((err) => {

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To retrieve a specific collection by collection identifier, use this method.

Usage:, callback)

  • collectionId - (required) - defines the collection that should be retrieved
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • collection - the collection
var collectionId = '<COLLECTION_ID>';

  .then((collection) => {
      'successfully retrieved collection %s',
  .catch((err) => {

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To retrieve a specific custom playlist by identifier, use this method.

Usage:, callback)

  • playlistId - (required) - defines the custom playlist that should be retrieved
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • playlist - the playlist
var playlistId = '<PLAYLIST_ID>';

  .then((customPlaylist) => {
      'successfully retrieved custom playlist %s',
  .catch((err) => {

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This method provides the ability to retrieve a station by identifier.

Usage:, callback)

  • stationId - (required) - defines the station that should be retrieved
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • station - the station
var stationId = '<STATION_ID>';

  .then((station) => {
      'successfully retrieved station %s',
  .catch((err) => {

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This method provides the ability to retrieve a single track by identifier.

Usage:, callback)

  • alias - (required) - defines the track that should be retrieved
    • can be the assetId for the track
    • can be trackToken:12345 where the 12345 refers to a legacy.trackToken value for a track
    • can be the spotify URI (i.e. spotify:track:1Ynbmv088)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • track - the track
var trackAlias = '<ALIAS>';

  .then((track) => {
      'successfully retrieved track %s',
  .catch((err) => {

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This method allows for the lookup of multiple tracks by a specific alias. This specific functionality comes in handy when attempting to perform a bulk lookup against the CURIOMusic API.

Usage:, callback)

  • aliasList - (required) - defines an array of tracks that should be retrieved
    • can be the assetId for the track
    • can be trackToken:12345 where the 12345 refers to a legacy.trackToken value for a track
    • can be the spotify URI (i.e. spotify:track:1Ynbmv088)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • tracks - an array of tracks found
var trackAliasList = [

  .then((tracks) => {
      'successfully retrieved %d tracks',
  .catch((err) => {

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This method allows for the lookup of multiple tracks by a specific alias. This specific functionality comes in handy when attempting to perform a bulk lookup against the CURIOMusic API.

Usage:, callback)

  • collection - (required) - defines the collection from which the mix should be created
  • options - (optional) - defines the characteristics of the mix
    • artistSeparation - (optional) - the number of songs to play before repeating an artist (defaults to 5)
    • beginDate - (optional) - the date and time of when to start the mix (defaults to the current date and time)
    • duration - (optional) - the length, in minutes, that the mix should be generated for (defaults to 1440 which is 24 hours)
    • randomMix - (optional) - can be true or false - when true, tracks are pulled randomly from within the collection (defaults to true)
    • titleSeparation - (optional) - the number of songs to play before repeating a title (defaults to 5)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • mix - the mixed queue of tracks from the collection
      • options - details regarding how the mix was created
      • queue - the mixed list of tracks from the collection
var collectionId = '<COLLECTION_ID>';

  .then((mix) => {
      'successfully created mix with %d tracks',
  .catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to update an existing custom playlist.

Usage:, callback)

  • playlist - (required) - defines the details of the playlist
    • playlistId - (required) - the identifier of the playlist
    • title - (optional) - the name of the custom playlist
    • tracks - (optional) - the tracks that should be added to the playlist at the time it is created
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • playlist - the response from the API
var playlist = {
  playlistId : '<PLAYLIST_ID',
  title : 'Vorster\'s Favorite Hits (redux)'

  .then((playlist) => {
      'successfully updated playlist with id %s',
  .catch((err) => {

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Content Module

This module can be used to interact with the PlayNetwork Content API to retrieve tracks, verify existence of tracks to acknowledge download.


This method can be used to determine if a particular asset exists on the server.

Usage: client.content.checkAsset(track, options, callback)

  • track - (required) - defines the asset to retrieve
  • options - (optional) - additional parameters useful for identifying the characteristics specific to the asset
    • bitrate - (optional) -
    • channels - (optional) -
    • format - (optional) -
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
  track = {
    assetId : '<ASSET_ID>'
  options = {
    bitrate : 192000,
    channels : 2,
    format : 'ogg'

  .checkAsset(track, options)
  .then((exists) => {
    if (exists) {
      console.log('asset %s exists as requested', track.assetId);
    } else {
      console.error('asset %s does not exist!', track.assetId);
  .catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to determine if a particular asset exists on the server.

Usage: client.content.checkLegacyAsset(track, options, callback)

  • track - (required) - defines the asset to retrieve
  • options - (optional) - additional parameters useful for identifying the characteristics specific to the asset
    • bitrate - (optional) -
    • channels - (optional) -
    • format - (optional) -
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
var track = {
  legacy : {
    trackToken : 12345

  .then((exists) => {
    if (exists) {
      console.log('asset %s exists as requested', track.legacy.trackToken);
    } else {
      console.error('asset %s does not exist!', track.legacy.trackToken);
  .catch((err) => {

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This method is useful for retrieving a stream of bytes for a specific asset.

Usage: client.content.getAssetStream(track, options, callback)

  • track - (required) - defines the asset to retrieve
  • options - (optional) - additional parameters useful for identifying the characteristics specific to the asset
    • bitrate - (optional) -
    • channels - (optional) -
    • format - (optional) -
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
var track = {
  assetId : '<ASSET_ID>'

  .then((audio) => {
    let size = 0;

    audio.on('data', (chunk) => {
      size += chunk.length;

    audio.on('end', () => {
      console.log('completed retrieval of %d bytes', size);
  .catch((err) => {

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This method is useful for retrieving a legacy asset stream of bytes for a specific asset.

Usage: client.content.getLegacyAssetStream(track, options, callback)

  • track - (required) - defines the asset to retrieve
  • options - (optional) - additional parameters useful for identifying the characteristics specific to the asset
    • bitrate - (optional) -
    • channels - (optional) -
    • format - (optional) -
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
var track = {
  legacy : {
    trackToken : 12345

  .then((audio) => {
    let size = 0;

    audio.on('data', (chunk) => {
      size += chunk.length;

    audio.on('end', () => {
      console.log('completed retrieval of %d bytes', size);
  .catch((err) => {

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Playback Module

The playback module is designed to simplify interaction with the PlayNetwork Playback API. This module supports the following methods:


This method can be used to retrieve a paginated result set of plays from the API. By default, only one play (the most recent one) is returned, but eh count parameter can be supplied via options to retrieve more data. Only a limited amount of time is retained for playback history and, as a result, not all plays throughout the history of the device will be available.

Usage: client.playback.allPlays(key, options, callback)

  • key - (required) - defines a composite key for retrieving play history for a device (i.e. deviceId:aabbcc112233)
  • options - (optional) - can be used to supply additional filters and sorting instructions
    • start - the index at which to start selection of plays
    • count - the total number of plays to retrieve (maximum value is 100)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
    start : 0,
    count : 10
  }).then((result) => {
      'found %d plays',;
  }).catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to record playback for a specific device or location.

Usage: client.playback.recordPlay(playbackInfo, callback)

  • playbackInfo - (required) - defines the playback info that should be recorded
    • client - (optional) - defines additional information about the device upon which the play occurred
      • host - host details for the playback
        • deviceId - the identifier for the host playing the content
      • software - software details for the playback
    • content
      • assetId or legacy.trackToken - (required) - the content being played
    • created - (optional) - the time at which the play began - this is defaulted to the current date and time if omitted
    • deviceId or legacy.deviceToken - (required) - the device upon which content is being played
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
var play = {
  client : {
    host : {
      deviceId : 'aa:bb:cc:11:22:33'
    software : {
      platform : 'Linux',
      type : 'NodePlayer',
      version : 'v1.0.0'
  content : {
    legacy : {
      trackToken : 12345

  .then((result) => {
    console.log('successfully recorded play with id %s', result.playId);
  .catch((err) => {

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Playerservice Module

This module can be used to interact with Playnetwork's socket-io service,, to allow realtime communication to/from a device for the purposes of gathering information about that device and controling music playback. This module supports the following methods:


This method is used to connect to Playnetwork's socket-io service.

Usage: client.player.connect(socketEventSubscriber)

  • socketEventSubscriber - (required) - defines an event subsciber. The subscriber should implement the events covered in the Events section discussed below.

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This method is used to disconnect from Playnetwork's socket-io service.

Usage: client.player.disconnect

Fires disconnected event if successful If not successful, will fire error event


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This method is to emit a message to Playnetwork's socket-io service.

Usage: client.player.emit(event, jsonRpcMessage) Params: event (an event string defined by Playnetwork's socket-io service) jsonRpcMessage (json RPC formatted message)

  .emit('playerUp', { mac: 'b8:e8:56:37:4c:6a' });


  • Event: 'connected', fired when a successful initial connection or reconnection is made to the socket-io service Params: connection object
        "connectionAttempt" : number indicating the connection attempts (0 for initial, n for reconnect)
        "isReconnect" : true | false,    (true if this is a reconnection, false otherwise)
        "url" : url (String, the url that the method connected to)
  • Event: 'disconnected' Fired when client disconnects from the socket-io service

  • Event: 'error' Fired when an error occurs Params: error object

  • Event: 'message' Fired when client recieves a json rpc formatted message from Playnetwork's socket-io service

  • Event: 'reconnecting', fired when reconnecting to the player-svc Params: connection object

      "connectionAttempt" : attempt,   (attempt number)
      "url" : url    (url attempting to connect to)

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Settings Module

The settings module is designed to simplify interaction with the PlayNetwork Settings API. This module supports the following methods:


This method differs slightly from all other methods with a similar name. Specifically, this method will return the settings that are assigned directly to the clientId used to instantiate this SDK.

Usage: client.settings.allSettings(options, callback)

  • options - (optional) - can be used to supply additional filters and sorting instructions
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • settings - the settings
  .then((settings) => {
      'found settings with settingsId %s',
  }).catch((err) => {

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In order to retrieve settings for a specific device or location, this method can be used.

Usage: client.settings.getSettings(options, callback)

  • alias - (required) - defines the specific settings to retrieve
    • can be the settingsId that defines a specific result
    • can be defined as deviceToken:12345 where 12345 is the legacy.deviceToken of the target settings
  • options - (optional) - can be used to supply additional filters and sorting instructions
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • settings - the settings
  .then((settings) => {
      'found settings for device 12345 and the settingsId is %s',
  }).catch((err) => {

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Location Module

The location module is designed to simplify interaction with the PlayNetwork Location API. This module supports the following methods:


This method can be used to retrieve a list of accounts aggregated locations from the API.

Usage: client.location.allAccountLocations(options, callback)

  • options - (optional) - can be used to supply additional filters and sorting instructions
    • start - the index at which to start selection of items
    • count - the total number of items to retrieve (maximum value is 100)
    • filters - additional field projections along with mandatory and optional filters (see API documentation for more details)
    • sort - additional sorting parameters for result (see API documentation for more details)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
    count : 100,
    start : 0
  .then((result) => {
    console.log('successfully found %d accounts',;
  .catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to retrieve a list of locations from the API.

Usage: client.location.allLocations(options, callback)

  • options - (optional) - can be used to supply additional filters and sorting instructions
    • start - the index at which to start selection of items
    • count - the total number of items to retrieve (maximum value is 100)
    • filters - additional field projections along with mandatory and optional filters (see API documentation for more details)
    • sort - additional sorting parameters for result (see API documentation for more details)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
    count : 100,
    start : 0
  .then((result) => {
    console.log('successfully found %d locations',;
  .catch((err) => {

back to top


This method can be used to retrieve a list of physical locations from the API.

Usage: client.location.allPhysicalLocations(options, callback)

  • options - (optional) - can be used to supply additional filters and sorting instructions
    • start - the index at which to start selection of items
    • count - the total number of items to retrieve (maximum value is 100)
    • filters - additional field projections along with mandatory and optional filters (see API documentation for more details)
    • sort - additional sorting parameters for result (see API documentation for more details)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
    count : 100,
    start : 0
  .then((result) => {
    console.log('successfully found %d physical locations',;
  .catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to delete a physicalLocation by physicalLocationId.

Usage: client.location.deletePhysicalLocation(physicalLocationId, callback)

  • physicalLocationId - (required) - defined the physicalLocation that should be deleted
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • physicalLocation - the physicalLocation
var physicalLocationId = '<PHYSICAL_LOCATION_ID>';

  .then(() => {
      'successfully deleted physicalLocationId %s',
  .catch((err) => {

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To retrieve details for a particular location, use this method.

Usage: client.location.getLocation(locationId, options, callback)

  • locationId - (required) - defines the location that should be retrieved
  • options - (optional) - additional options
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • location - the location
var locationId = '<LOCATION_ID>';

  .then((location) => {
      'successfully retrieved location %s',
  .catch((err) => {

back to top


Works similarly to getLocation, but allows for multiple locations to be provided as a bulk request.

Usage: client.location.getLocations(locationIdList, callback)

  • locationIdList - (required) - an array of locationId values to lookup
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • locations - the locations
var deviceIdList = ['<LOCATION_ID_1>', '<LOCATION_ID_2>', '<LOCATION_ID_3>'];

  .then((locations) => {
      'successfully retrieved %d locations',
  .catch((err) => {

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Device Module

The device module is designed to simplify interaction with the PlayNetwork Device API. This module supports the following methods:


This method can be used to retrieve a list of devices from the API.

Usage: client.device.allDevices(options, callback)

  • options - (optional) - can be used to supply additional filters and sorting instructions
    • start - the index at which to start selection of items
    • count - the total number of items to retrieve (maximum value is 100)
    • filters - additional field projections along with mandatory and optional filters (see API documentation for more details)
    • sort - additional sorting parameters for result (see API documentation for more details)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
    count : 100,
    start : 0
  .then((result) => {
    console.log('successfully found %d devices',;
  .catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to retrieve a list of groups from the API.

Usage: client.device.allGroups(options, callback)

  • options - (optional) - can be used to supply additional filters and sorting instructions
    • start - the index at which to start selection of items
    • count - the total number of items to retrieve (maximum value is 100)
    • filters - additional field projections along with mandatory and optional filters (see API documentation for more details)
    • sort - additional sorting parameters for result (see API documentation for more details)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
    count : 100,
    start : 0
  .then((result) => {
    console.log('successfully found %d device groups',;
  .catch((err) => {

back to top


This method can be used to update the API with specific details regarding the status of the device.

Usage: client.device.createDiagnostics(deviceId, diagnostics, callback)

  • deviceId - (required) - should contain the identifier of the device
  • diagnostics - (required) - an object with details regarding the status and settings of the device
    • TBD - details regarding this message required
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
  deviceId = '<DEVICE_ID>',
  diagnostics = {
    // requires definition

  .createDiagnostics(deviceId, diagnostics)
  .then(() => {
    console.log('diagnostics sent!');
  .catch((err) => {

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When needing to notify the API of one or more event message for a device, this method should be used.

Usage: client.device.createEventMessages(deviceId, messages, callback)

  • deviceId - (required) - should contain the identifier of the device
  • messages - (required) - may be a string message, a single message object or an array of message strings or objects
    • level - (optional) - defaults to INFO, this the level of severity for the message (i.e. INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL)
    • message - (required) - if the value of the message is a string, the value is used in this field
    • timestamp - (optional) - defaults to now, refers to the date of the event
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
  deviceId = '<DEVICE_ID>',
  trackToken = 12345;

    message : `track with trackToken ${trackToken} downloaded successfully`,
    timestamp : new Date()
  }]).then(() => {
    console.log('event logged');
  }).catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to update the API with specific details regarding the status of the device.

Usage: client.device.createStatusReport(deviceId, status, callback)

  • deviceId - (required) - should contain the identifier of the device
  • status - (required) - an object with details regarding the status and settings of the device
    • TBD - details regarding this message required
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - result set details
  deviceId = '<DEVICE_ID>',
  status = {
    // requires definition

  .createStatusReport(deviceId, status)
  .then(() => {
    console.log('status sent!');
  .catch((err) => {

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This method can be used to retrieve a set of analytics based on a query for devices.

Usage: client.device.getAnalytics(options, callback)

  • options - (optional) - can be used to supply additional filters and sorting instructions
    • start - the index at which to start selection of items
    • count - the total number of items to retrieve (maximum value is 100)
    • filters - additional field projections along with mandatory and optional filters (see API documentation for more details)
    • sort - additional sorting parameters for result (see API documentation for more details)
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts two arguments
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • analytics - the analytics for the devices found
    filters : {
      mandatory : {
        exact : {
          '' : 'v1.11.1'
  .then((analytics) => {
  .catch((err) => {

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To retrieve details for a particular device, use this method.

Usage: client.device.getDevice(deviceId, options, callback)

  • deviceId - (required) - defines the device that should be retrieved
  • options - (optional) - additional options
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • device - the device
var deviceId = '<DEVICE_ID>';

  .then((device) => {
      'successfully retrieved device %s',
  .catch((err) => {

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Works similarly to getDevice, but allows for multiple devices to be provided as a bulk request.

Usage: client.device.getDevices(deviceIdList, callback)

  • deviceIdList - (required) - an array of deviceId values to lookup
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • devices - the devices
var deviceIdList = ['<DEVICE_ID_1>', '<DEVICE_ID_2>', '<DEVICE_ID_3>'];

  .then((devices) => {
      'successfully retrieved %d devices',
  .catch((err) => {

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To retrieve details for a particular group of devices, use this method.

Usage: client.device.getGroup(groupId, options, callback)

  • groupId - (required) - defines the group that should be retrieved
  • options - (optional) - additional options
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • group - the group
var groupId = '<GROUP_ID>';

  .then((group) => {
      'successfully retrieved group %s',
  .catch((err) => {

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To retrieve summary analytics for a particular group of devices, use this method.

Usage: client.device.getGroupAnalytics(groupId, options, callback)

  • groupId - (required) - defines the group that should be retrieved
  • options - (optional) - additional options
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • analytics - the analytics for the group of devices
var groupId = '<GROUP_ID>';

  .then((analytics) => {
  .catch((err) => {

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To retrieve a paginated list of devices for a particular group, use this method.

Usage: client.device.getGroupDevices(groupId, options, callback)

  • groupId - (required) - defines the group that should be retrieved
  • options - (optional) - additional options
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • result - the result set of the request
var groupId = '<GROUP_ID>';

  .getGroupAnalytics(groupId, { start : 0, count : 100 })
  .then((result) => {
    console.log('successfully retrieved 100 of %d devices',;
  .catch((err) => {

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Works similarly to getGroup, but allows for multiple groups to be provided as a bulk request.

Usage: client.device.getGroups(groupIdList, callback)

  • groupIdList - (required) - an array of deviceGroupId values to lookup
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • groups - the groups
var groupIdList = ['<GROUP_ID_1>', '<GROUP_ID_2>', '<GROUP_ID_3>'];

  .then((groups) => {
      'successfully retrieved %d groups',
  .catch((err) => {

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Works similarly to getGroupAnalytics, but allows for multiple groups to be provided as a bulk request.

Usage: client.device.getGroupsAnalytics(groupIdList, callback)

  • groupIdList - (required) - an array of deviceGroupId values to lookup
  • callback - (optional) - a function callback that accepts a single argument
    • err - populated with details in the event of an error
    • analytics - the analytics for the group of devices
var groupIdList = ['<GROUP_ID_1>', '<GROUP_ID_2>', '