
playwright request mocker

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import playwrightRq from '';



NPM version NPM Downloads

If you are using playwright, and you need mock your network responses, then playwright-rq will help you!


npm i --save-dev playwright-rq



Allows you to mock for your network responses.

import { Mocker } from 'playwright-rq';
const mocker = new Mocker();
// start mocker with options
await mocker.start({
  mockList: {
    test: {
      url: 'http://localhost:3000/api',
      method: 'GET',
      response: {
        body: 'test',
        status: 200,
// update mocker params
  test: {
    url: 'http://localhost:3000/api',
    method: 'GET',
    response: {
      body: 'test',
      status: 200,

// stop mocker
await mocker.stop();

start options

const options = {
  // playwright page
  page: Page,
  // Indicates where are mocks. Default rootDir = '__remocks__'
  // Absolute path = path.resolve(process.cwd(), rootDir)
  rootDir: 'test/__remocks__',
  // If interceptType does not contain playwright request.resourceType(),
  // then call route.continue()
  // Default interceptType = new Set(['xhr', 'fetch'])
  interceptType: new Set(['xhr', 'image']),
  // If could not find mock for request,
  // and ci = true, then call route.abort().
  // Default ci = false
  ci: true,
  // mockList = Record<string, RequestParams>
  // interface RequestParams {
  //   url: string | RegExp;
  //   method: string;
  //   queryParams?: Record<string, string>;
  //   bodyParams?: Record<string, any>;
  //   resopnse?: {
  //     status?: number;
  //     headers?: Record<string, string>;
  //     body?: string;
  //     filePath?: string;
  //   }
  // }
  // Default response = {
  //   status: 200,
  //   headers: {
  //     'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
  //   },
  // }
  mockList: {
    mockName: {
      url: '/api/test',
      method: 'post',
      resopnse: {
        body: '{test:"1234"}',
    test: {
      url: /api\/test/,
      method: 'get',
      queryParams: {
        abst: '1234',
      response: {
        status: 200,
        filePath: 'test',
    mockParams: {
      url: /api\/test/,
      method: 'get',
      bodyParams: {
        abst: '1234',
      response: {
        status: 200,
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
        body: 'text',

update options

Updates mockList which you added to mocker.start(). If a mock with such a key already exists, it is updated, otherwise it adds.

  test: {
    url: 'http://localhost:3000/api',
    method: 'GET',
    response: {
      body: 'test',
      status: 200,


Allows you to wait for a request, and return Playwright Request object.

import { RequestListener } from 'playwright-rq';
// start listener for request
const requestListener = new RequestListener({ page, url: 'http://localhost:3000/api' });
// wait request. Dafault timetout = 1000
const request = await requestListener.waitForRequest(3000);
expect(request.postDataJSON()).toEqual({ test: '1234' });

If the request is not found after the specified timeout, then we get an error: Request "${url}" not found, after ${timeout}ms


playwright-rq uses debug package for logs. Example: DEBUG=playwright-rq* npm run test