
Import iTunes Library XML playlists into Plex

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plexItunesImport from '';


iTunes Playlist Importer for Plex

This project is a tool for importing an iTunes Playlist.xml file into Plex. It assumes that the iTunes playlist and Plex are both using the same files, ie, they are both referencing music in the same directory or network share (most of the matching is based on the path/filenames matching).

Configuring the Importer

Copy the example.yaml file to config.yaml and edit it to match your iTunes and Plex settings.

The hostname or IP address of your Plex server.
The port that Plex is listening on. (Optional)
Your Plex username.
Your Plex password.
If you are using PlexHome users, set the name and pin for the PlexHome user to operate as.
The complete path to your iTunes Library.xml file.
A list of prefixes to strip off of the beginning of file names when trying to determine song matches.
A list of regular expressions that are applied (in order, top to bottom) to album and song names when searching Plex for matches.

Running the Importer

Once you have checked out/downloaded the project, install the dependencies:

npm install

Then, you can run the importer with:

npm run import -- [--verbose] [--debug] [--config path/to/config.yaml]


  • handle iTunes playlist changes (adding/removing songs)
  • handle deleting an iTunes playlist
  • be more efficient in requests (make a real cache that can track iTunes songs and Plex songs and avoid unnecessary queries)
  • GUI?