
Webpack plugin and loader in one. Use data from loaders in plugins and vice-versa.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ploadin from '';



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Ploadin - Webpack PLugIN and LOADer in one. Use data from loaders in plugins and vice-versa.

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๐Ÿช‘ Table of Content

๐Ÿงฐ Features

Are you developing a complex plugin that needs to be used as both a plugin and a loader? ploadin got you covered:

  • Easily develop Webpack plugins that can access files passed through loaders.

  • Use instances of Ploadin subclasses both as plugins and loaders.

  • Plugin and loader methods share instance's state, so plugin behaviour can be modified based on data passed to loaders and vice versa.

๐Ÿ‘ถ Install

npm install ploadin
# or
yarn add ploadin

๐Ÿš€ Usage


Subclass Ploadin to create a class that can access both plugin and loader contexts.

Following example shows how to communicate between loader and plugin. Following happens in the example:

  1. Ploadin is subclassed to PloadinSubclass so the loader and plugin methods can communicate.

  2. Before compilation starts (and so before loaders are run),pitch data and loader behaviour are decided based on some conditions in apply.

  3. When pitch is called, the method passes data from plugin down to other pitch methods (Webpack docs on pitch).

  4. When loader is called, the loader will skip its job if ignoreLoader was set to truthy.

  5. After all is done, the state is reset in apply on compiler's afterCompile hook.

Notice that in loader and pitch methods, this refers to the Ploadin instance and not loaderContext as it is in Webpack loaders. The loaderContext is, instead, passed as the first argument, so all other arguments are shifted by one.

// subclass.js
const { Ploadin, registerSubclass } = require('ploadin');

export class PloadinSubclass extends Ploadin {
  constructor() {
    this.pitchData = null;
    this.ignoreLoader = false;

  // `apply` is plugin methods
  apply(compiler) {

    // Set data that pitch should pass on
      (stats, callback) => {
        this.pitchData = { someData: };
        this.ignoreLoader = compiler.yyy;

    // Clean up
      (compilation, callback) => {
        this.pitchData = null
        this.ignoreLoader = false;

  // `loader` and `pitch` are loader methods
  loader(loaderContext, source, ...args) {
    // Skip loader action based on some conditions
    if (this.ignoreLoader) {
        return source
    // Process source here otherwise...

  ) {
    // Pass data from plugin to pitch
    Object.assign(data, this.pitchData);
The equivalent of the above in TypeScript
// subclass.ts
import { Ploadin, registerSubclass } from 'ploadin';

export class PloadinSubclass extends Ploadin {
constructor() {
  this.pitchData = null;
  this.ignoreLoader = false;

// `apply` is plugin methods
apply(compiler: Compiler) {

  // Set data that pitch should pass on
    (stats, callback) => {
      this.pitchData = { someData: };
      this.ignoreLoader = compiler.yyy;

  // Clean up
    (compilation, callback) => {
      this.pitchData = null
      this.ignoreLoader = false;

// `loader` and `pitch` are loader methods
loader(loaderContext: any, source?: string, ...args: any[]) {
  // Skip loader action based on some conditions
  if (this.ignoreLoader) {
      return source
  // Process source here otherwise...

  remainingRequest: string,
  precedingRequest: string,
  data: any,
) {
  // Pass data from plugin to pitch
  Object.assign(data, this.pitchData);

Using in Webpack

To use as plugin, pass the instance itself as a plugin.

To use as loader, pass the asLoader property.

// webpack.config.js
const { PloadinSubclass } = require('./subclass');

const myPloadinSubclass = new PloadinSubclass();

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.js$/i, // some test
        use: [

Using multiple subclasses and instances

You can use multiple Ploadin subclasses, and even multiple instances of the same class, within the same config, they will not interfere.

// webpack.config.js
const { PloadinSubclass } = require('./subclass1');
const { AnotherPloadinSubclass } = require('./subclass2');

const myPloadinSubclass1 = new PloadinSubclass();
const myPloadinSubclass2 = new PloadinSubclass();
const anotherPloadin1 = new AnotherPloadinSubclass();
const anotherPloadin2 = new AnotherPloadinSubclass();

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.js$/i, // some test
        use: [

๐Ÿค– API

TypeDoc documentation can be found here.


Ploadin class has following properties:

Ploadin.asLoader: object

Loader object to be used in webpack config.

Following methods will be called if defined:

Ploadin.classOptions: any

Data associated with the Ploadin class. The data returned by classOptions is the same data (copy actually) of what is passed to registerSubclass.

Ploadin.apply(compiler: Compiler): void

Webpack plugin's apply method. See Writing a Webpack plugin for details.

Ploadin.loader(loaderContext: LoaderContext, content?: string, map?: string, data: any): void

Webpack loader's loader method. See Webpack loaders for details.

Note that argument signature is shifted as loaderContext is passed as first argument. this, instead, refers to Ploadin instance.

Ploadin.pitch(loaderContext: LoaderContext, remainingRequest: string, precedingRequest: string, data: any): void

Webpack loader's pitch method. See Webpack loader's pitch for details.

Note that argument signature is shifted as loaderContext is passed as first argument. this, instead, refers to Ploadin instance.


registerSubclass(subclass: Subclass, options: any): boolean

  • subclass - class extending Ploadin
  • options - any data associated with this subclass

Returns true if successfully registered, false if the class has been registered before.

Normally, any class subclassing Ploadin is automatically registered with instance-manager when a first instance is created. This is necessary so the class and its instances can be looked up by indices.

You can register the class yourself. This enables you to optionally pass along options associated with the given class.

One use of this is to store options passed to class factory so we can associate the options with the dynamically-created class.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Background

This package was prompted by the challenge of how to use and manage dynamically created Webpack plugins that need to access both loader and plugin contexts (similarly to how mini-css-extract-plugin needs access to both).

Webpack passes only JSON-serializable data to loaders, so loaders don't have direct access to plugins. And if you're dealing with dynamically-created classes, correctly matching loaders with their respective plugins gets more complicated.

โณ Changelog

This projects follows semantic versioning. The changelog can be found here.

๐Ÿ›  Developing

If you want to contribute to the project or forked it, this guide will get you up and going.

๐Ÿ— Roadmap

This package is considered feature-complete. However, if you have ideas how it could be improved, please be sure to share it with us by opening an issue.

๐Ÿค Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Thank you โค๏ธ

Feel free to dive in! See current issues, open an issue, or submit PRs.

How to report bugs, feature requests, and how to contribute and what conventions we use is all described in the contributing guide.

When contributing we follow the Contributor Covenant. See our Code of Conduct.

๐Ÿง™ Contributors

Contributions of any kind welcome. Thanks goes to these wonderful people โค๏ธ

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Copyright ยฉ 2020 Juro Oravec.

This project is MIT licensed.