
Unopinionated static template render engine under 650 bytes

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plocus from '';



Unopinionated static template render engine under 650 bytes


  • Ease of use means more focus on what is important, the creative stuff.
  • Create one template model, use it everywhere just changing specific data.
  • Split bigger templates on smaller components and combine them as you wish.
  • Supports any UTF-8 pattern.
  • Extreme small code footprint allows usage on any place supporting JavaScript, from Node.js to browser.

Usage example:

// Requires the module manually
var p = require('plocus')

// Reusable template example using "(( property ))" as the chosen pattern for the object
var page = `
    <title>(( name ))</title>
  Hello (( name ))! Your alchemy exams are scheduled for (( examDate )).

// Object containing valuable information 
var person = {'name':'Cynthia', 'examDate': '05/27/2015'}

// Renders the page filling all property patterns with their corresponding values
var renderedPage = p.renderTemplate(page, /(( (\w*) ))/, person)
// renderedPage value is
  Hello Cynthia! Your alchemy exams are scheduled for 05/27/2015.


The following function is the main one, the others are just specialized cases.

renderTemplate(template, pattern, object)

Returns a string which value is generated replacing any object keys found in the raw template by their values based on the given pattern.

template is a string model containing data to be replaced.

pattern is a regular expression literal model.

object is any set of keys and their corresponding values.

renderTemplateFile(path, pattern, object)

Returns a string which value is generated asynchronously replacing any object keys found in the loaded template by their values based on the given pattern.

path is the absolute path including the file name which contains the string model.

pattern is a regular expression literal model.

object is any set of keys and their corresponding values.

  • renderTemplateFile calls renderTemplate internally.

renderTemplateFileSync(path, pattern, object)

Returns a string which value is generated synchronously replacing any object keys found in the loaded template by their values based on the given pattern.

path is the absolute path including the file name which contains the string model.

pattern is a regular expression literal model.

object is any set of keys and their corresponding values.

  • renderTemplateFileSync calls renderTemplate internally.


This project exists under the MIT license.