
Plop generator for redux projects.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plopGeneratorRedux from '';



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Plop generator for opinionated redux scaffolding. Generates your reducer folders, action creators and reselect.


  1. Install plop globally in your system.
npm install -g plop
  1. Install plop and plop-generator-redux locally in your project.
npm install --save-dev plop plop-generator-redux
  1. In your plopfile.js, require the plop-generator-redux module and pass the plop object and optionally some configuration.
var path = require('path');
module.exports = (plop) => {
  require('plop-generator-redux', {
    basePath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'app', 'stores'),
    prefix: 'redux'

Configuration object

Attribute Default Description
basePath app/redux Path in which the generator will put files
prefix Adds a prefix to each generator followed by a :


Run plop to see the list of generators, or run plop [generator] to use that generator.

Available generators

  1. init: generates the initial folder and index.js to import all reducers and combine them.
> plop init
[CREATE] ./app/redux/index.js
  1. reducer: generates a reducer folder within the initial folder. Optionally generates action creators and selectors file.
> plop reducer
> Reducer name: my initial reducer
[CREATE] ./app/redux/myInitialReducer/reducer.js
[CREATE] ./app/redux/myInitialReducer/reducer.spec.js
[MODIFY] ./app/redux/index.js
  1. reducer:action: generates an action for a given reducer. Optionally generates action creator.
> plop reducer:action
> Reducer name: myInitialReducer
> Action name: my action
> Generate action creator? No
[MODIFY] ./app/redux/myInitialReducer/reducer.js
[MODIFY] ./app/redux/myInitialReducer/reducer.spec.js
> plop reducer:action
> Reducer name: myInitialReducer
> Action name: my action
> Generate action creator? Yes
[MODIFY] ./app/redux/myInitialReducer/reducer.js
[MODIFY] ./app/redux/myInitialReducer/reducer.spec.js
[MODIFY] ./app/redux/myInitialReducer/actions.js
[MODIFY] ./app/redux/myInitialReducer/actions.spec.js
  1. actions: generates the action creators file for a given reducer.
> plop actions
> Reducer name: myInitialReducer
[CREATE] ./app/redux/myInitialReducer/actions.js
[CREATE] ./app/redux/myInitialReducer/actions.spec.js
  1. actions:action: generates an action within a given reducer folder (it does not add the action to the reducer.js file).
> plop actions:action
> Reducer name: myInitialReducer
> Action name: my action
[MODIFY] ./app/redux/myInitialReducer/actions.js
[MODIFY] ./app/redux/myInitialReducer/actions.spec.js
  1. selectors: generates selectors file for a given reducer.
> plop selectors
> Reducer name: myInitialReducer
[CREATE] ./app/redux/myInitialReducer/selectors.js
[CREATE] ./app/redux/myInitialReducer/selectors.spec.js
  1. selectors:selector: generates a selector within a given reducer folder.
> plop selectors:selector
> Reducer name: myInitialReducer
> Action name: my selector
[MODIFY] ./app/redux/myInitialReducer/selectors.js
[MODIFY] ./app/redux/myInitialReducer/selectors.spec.js
