Garda - Image and Document Server
API server for image and document data. Data backend is MongoDB. Cache server is Redis. Web server is Express 4.
Notifications are via websockets, email (Mandrill) and sms (Twilio).
npm install
npm start
To run the server as a cluster:
node cluster
To run just the background workers:
node bootstrap --app:worker
To run just scheduled jobs:
node bootstrap --app:schedule
npm test
There are a couple of tasks to be run to setup the local data store. To seed the database:
node tasks/seed
To clean the data store:
node tasks/clean
Code Organisation
Server code is in lib
. All resources (HTTP APIs) are in lib/apps
. Cross-cutting concerns are under lib
. These include wrapper to social APIs (just Facebook for the moment), redis, caching, email, sms, the data store, scheduling, logging, queueing.
Winston is used for logging. Cron is used for scheduling jobs. Monk is the MongoDB module. is used for websockets. Nconf is for configuration. Configuration files are in the config
folder. Mocha is used for testing. Elastic Search is the indexing server.
Each 'app' is organised into several folders:
Repositories contain data access repositories for the main entities.
Resources contain the API handler code.
Services are the business logic for the system.
Consumers are for background workers.
Jobs contain scheduled jobs (none as yet).
Server API