
plotly.js finance chart wrapper

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import plotlyjsFinance from '';



A plotly.js finance chart wrapper

Available chart types

  • Open-high-low-close (OHLC) charts
  • Candlestick charts


npm install plotlyjs-finance


HTML page (more info on the plotlyjs homepage):

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- D3.js -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- jQuery -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- Plotly.js -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- PlotlyFinance -->
    <script src=""></script>

<div id="myDiv" style="width: 700px; height: 500px"></div>

var fig = PlotlyFinance.createOHLC(  // or PlotlyFinance.createCandlestick
        open: [33.01, 33.31, 33.50, 32.06, 34.12, 33.05, 33.31, 33.50],
        high: [34.20, 34.37, 33.62, 34.25, 35.18, 33.25, 35.37, 34.62],
        low: [31.70, 30.75, 32.87, 31.62, 30.81, 32.75, 32.75, 32.87],
        close: [34.10, 31.93, 33.37, 33.18, 31.18, 33.10, 32.93, 33.70],
        dates: [
            [2013,3,4], [2013,6,5], [2013,9,6], [2013,12,4],
            [2014,3,5], [2014,6,6], [2014,9,4], [2014,12,5]
        ].map(function(d) { return new Date(d[0], d[1]-1, d[2]); })

Plotly.plot('myDiv',, fig.layout);

Node.js script (more info on plotly-nodejs api homepage):

var PlotlyFinance = require('plotlyjs-finance');
var plotly = require('plotly')('username', 'apikey');

var fig = PlotlyFinance.createOHLC(  // or PlotlyFinance.createCandlestick
        open: [33.01, 33.31, 33.50, 32.06, 34.12, 33.05, 33.31, 33.50],
        high: [34.20, 34.37, 33.62, 34.25, 35.18, 33.25, 35.37, 34.62],
        low: [31.70, 30.75, 32.87, 31.62, 30.81, 32.75, 32.75, 32.87],
        close: [34.10, 31.93, 33.37, 33.18, 31.18, 33.10, 32.93, 33.70],
        dates: [
            [2013,3,4], [2013,6,5], [2013,9,6], [2013,12,4],
            [2014,3,5], [2014,6,6], [2014,9,4], [2014,12,5]
        ].map(function(d) { return new Date(d[0], d[1]-1, d[2]); })

var graphOptions = {
    filename: 'ohlc-first',
    fileopt: 'overwrite',
    layout: fig.layout

plotly.plot(, graphOptions, function(err, msg) {

more in examples/


PlotlyFinance.createOHLC and PlotlyFinance.createCandlestick take the same arguments: a data object and an opts object.

  • data is an object with required keys open, high, low and close linked to numerical arrays. Optionally dates can be linked to an array of dates

  • opts is an object of plotlyjs trace options and/or a direction key set to 'both' (the default), 'increasing' or 'decreasing'